#there's another genre of books I can't stomach
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handern · 1 year ago
thinking about this post going around talking about re-reading classics once you're older
I wonder if I can stomach Stephen King's absolute jackass way of talking now. I remember opening the Dark Tower and he was talking about himself for ten pages in the intro I wanted to throw the book by the window before even reaching the actual story
same with the Elric series, I really wanted to get into it but after ten pages I was seething with rage I wanted to jump in there and kill Elric with my two bare hands for being such a mirror of the author's jackass world view
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always-just-red · 6 months ago
Hii! I've seen some Pregnancy scenario with LaD's men, but I have this HC-- personally for Sylus. That when fem!reader got pregnant, he didn't really understand how the Pregnancy hormones work, until he experienced one and he got confused how he should act or react because it's feels like he's walking on landime, one wrong move/word, she'd throwing tantrum or being sulky at him
I've heard from my Friend who got pregnant before, when she craving something and her Husband showing any form that he can't fulfill what she's craves, she felt her heart broken, and she'd sulk and acted as if he just cheated on her. The problem is, she always craved something that didn't even exist at that moment😂, she's craving certain type of Mango while it's not even that Mango season, so nobody selling it. He literally being desperate to negotiate with her cravings
So... Can I request a scenario smiliar like that? It doesn't have to be mango, or any foods. Just... how Pregnancy hormones or Cravings could make Sylus got frustated lol
Aaaaa anon this is adorable, thank you! We love making Sylus suffer in cute and harmless ways. He's always asking for trouble, so let's give him some! 😌💅
Something Sweet
Sylus x Reader 🩸
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Summary: Sylus knows how to get what he wants. Getting what you want might be a little more tricky...
Genre: fluff!
Warnings/Additional tags: female!reader, IMPLIED pregnant!reader (pregnancy not actually mentioned or described- just hormones being hormones ✌), established relationship, canon pet names, a lil bit of roleplay because Sylus refuses to leave his Mystic Adventure era
| Word count: 2.1k | Masterlist | Opt-in to my taglist here!
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
“Sy, d’you know what I’m craving right now?”
“Always, sweetie.” Sylus doesn’t look up from his book. “Not now, though. I’m tired.”
Morning sunlight streams through the gaps in your living room curtains, casting pale yellow shapes over the floor. A shard of it has been inching over the sofa towards Sylus, the sharp edge now grazing the side of his face. He shifts, ever so slightly, away from its touch. His eyes are open but heavy.
“No,” you scold, leaning forwards to swat at him with your book. “That’s not what I meant, you narcissist.”
He chuckles with his usual low timbre— his gaze still not lifting— and the sound is deeper for how close he is to sleep. He wants to give in to it, you can tell. When he turns a page, the movement is languid, soft. You’re losing him.
“Sy,” you say again, then with more of a whine: “Sylus.”
His eyes flutter closed as he draws in a deep breath. His hand raises, his fingers stretching to pull his reading glasses from his face. They’re set down on the arm of the chair beside him, along with the book, and he turns to you with a smile. “What are you craving, sweetie?”
You rest your book on your stomach. Your legs are stretched out over Sylus’s lap, and his hand finds one of your feet, massaging an ache from it as you begin your speech. “Do you remember that café we used to go to? The one we found when it started raining in the park that day? We didn’t think it was open, but then the owner knocked on the window and said we could—”
“Yeah?” His hand moves to your other foot.
“Well, they make these—”
“You remember?”
His smile widens like he remembers vividly. “Kitten, how could I forget? I’m still jealous of that sweet little treat. You’ve never made that face for me, and believe me—” he wiggles one of your toes— “I’ve tried.”
That had been one of the only times you’d truly caught him off-guard, back when your feelings for one another were unnamed and uncharted. The rain had been drumming against the café window, and you’d heaved Sylus’s damp coat from your shoulders— giggled at the raised eyebrow and the sarcastic ‘…thanks’ he’d given in turn. One hot drink later, you were lifting a pastel pink macaron to your lips, taking a delicate bite and failing to stifle a tiny, almost euphoric moan.
You remember realising yourself: blushing profusely and expecting some remark, some ridicule, but none ever came. Sylus’s eyes were wide, dark, fixed upon your still parted mouth.
After a few of the longest seconds of your life, he’d dragged the plate with the rest of the macarons away from you and muttered something about how you had better not do that again.
“They’re still the sweetest things I’ve ever tasted,” you tease now, just as you’d wrestled him for that plate back then, set on eating every last macaron.
He makes a hmph as he idly runs a finger over the part of your foot he knows is ticklish. His expression is distinctly grumpy, but it falters as you laugh and try to writhe away from him.
You’re quickly out of breath. “Sylus?”
He glances up at you and you smile sweetly, head tilting. “Please?”
His coat on a rainy day. The entire plate of macarons in the end; he’s never been very good at denying you anything. For the first time since you’d stirred him from his book, however, he appears genuinely regretful. “You’re forgetting something, sweetie,” he murmurs gently. “Why did we stop going to that café, hmm?”
You shrug.
“It closed, kitten,” he sighs. “Months ago.”
Not only did you already know that— you actually visited the café on its final day. The owner was telling you stories: he was moving somewhere warmer, closer to family, and he needed all the funds he could get. Sylus had snuck an obscene amount of money into the man’s tip jar whilst you acted as a distraction. You both had fond memories of that place; it was nice to make one more.   
It's all coming back to you and you’re struck by a wave of nostalgia. You want to go back there. You can’t go back there. It doesn’t exist anymore, and you’ll never taste sweetness like that again.
Your mouth has gone dry.
“Sweetie?” Sylus prompts, because he notices you’re far away. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” your voice wobbles, “I just really wanted… I mean, I really needed one of those—”
“… Macarons?” he finishes for you.
You burst into tears, and one day, you’ll tally this as another time you took the man by surprise. His face drops instantly— lost, for a moment— before he slides your legs from his lap, allowing him to lean closer. “No, no, no,” he coos, “don’t cry, kitten, please. I didn’t mean to… well, I didn’t realise…”
He doesn’t know what to say, and he always knows what to say. He set you off with a single word and now he’s stuttering like sentences are all possible landmines. He tries his luck again, putting a foot forward: “Listen to me. I’ll go to the store. Would that be alright? Or perhaps there’s another café that could—”
You explode: sobbing even more viscerally. Your whole body shakes with it.
Sylus has frozen. He watches on helplessly as you cry, blabbering about the macarons you can’t have and the café you can’t return to. Across the room, even Mephisto has hunched down on his perch, though he issues a few, spirited squawks, maybe in solidarity with your breakdown, or maybe in protest of it.
It’s like a catalyst. You cry more: burying your face in your hands because what the hell is wrong with you? It’s not a big deal. It’s not a big deal, so why do you feel sick? And then there’s Sylus— your Sylus, devoted and adoring— and here you are, punishing him for something beyond his control.
You look up from your hands, desperate to apologise, but he’s gone. More shards of sunlight paint his empty seat and catch all that’s left of him: a few crow feathers, glistening like onyx. Mephisto is gone too, and the room is quiet, save for you snivelling and feeling sorry for yourself.
“Sylus?” you call out into the empty morning.
It isn’t his fault, not really. You wouldn’t want to be around you, either.
Something brushes over your cheek, and your tired eyes open.
The sun has ebbed back behind the curtains and the ceiling light has taken its place, casting artificial highlights over everything in reach: the coffee table, the closed-up flowers at its centre and a mug of tea that’s gone cold. Sylus is in front of you too, backlit and soft like a daydream, and he—
He left you.
“Sy?” you whisper warily, because the context is coming back to you slowly, piece by piece.
“Hey,” he coaxes, voice as honeyed as whatever’s turned the air sweet.
You blink, rubbing sleep from your eyes and relishing the warmth of his hand on your face. Then you slap his shoulder. “Hey, really? That’s all you’ve got— hey?”
He’s kneeling for you— on the floor, beside the couch— so you can meet his eyes. He settles his chin thoughtfully on the edge of the seat, his nose almost touching yours. “What would you prefer, sweetie?” His lips are close to yours too. “Good evening, my beloved? Greetings, my queen?”
“How about sorry?” you snap, because he isn’t cute and he isn’t charming.
He pouts. “Why sorry?”
“Because you left, Sylus!” You sit up straighter, and your phone tumbles out of your lap. Its screen is still lit-up from a few hours ago, showcasing a very one-sided conversation and a rant you never actually sent, because it’s still in the text box.
You vaguely recall writing it, so you try to snatch the phone from Sylus’s hand as he plucks it from the floor. He’s more alert than you. More co-ordinated. He keeps it out of your grasp as he reads the unsent message, an eyebrow raising.
It was a lot of things— colourful, creative— not entirely tasteful. “My, my, your highness,” he tuts, “so this is the treatment your valiant knight receives for undertaking your quest?”
“You’re not valiant,” you rebuke, and you manage to wrestle your phone from him. “You’re—”
“A heartless prick,” he finishes casually, quoting your message with a chuckle. He takes your free hand and kisses the back of it, refusing to let you pull away. “And whose fault is that, I wonder?”
“You can have your heart back.”
“Nope. You’re stuck with it, sweetie. With me, too. Now—” he sits back on his knees— “would you please ask me about my quest?”
The analogy is lost on you. You sit fully up, looking down at him. “What quest, oh valiant knight?”
His lips form a smirk; he just loves when you play along. “Close your eyes.”
You do— whether you’re queen or not. You hear him shifting aside, and then there’s a snap of his fingers. The air changes, warping like thick, liquid smoke, and you know he’s using his Evol. “Open,” he commands.
And there on the coffee table, freshly teleported, is a plate of macarons the colour of cherry blossoms. As if anticipating the comparison, Sylus pulls a handful of pink petals from his pocket and blows them up into the air so they can spiral down on the scene. He watches them. Then you. “Ta-da,” he proclaims, his tone dry but full of humour.
You’re prone to hyperbole nowadays, but this is without a doubt the best thing you have ever seen.
“Sylus,” you gasp in disbelief, “how did you—”
“It doesn’t matter,” he says; the story isn’t for today, and he’s very, very tired. A few weeks from now he’ll tell you about how he tracked down the contact information of the owner of the old café. How he spent an hour on the phone bargaining for a certain macaron recipe, and several more hours in the kitchen, trying to get them perfect. “Now, they might not be exactly the same, sweetie. But I did try to—”
You surge forwards, capturing his lips in a kiss. It’s so impulsive— so reckless— that you almost tumble down from the couch, but he catches you, steadies you, and your hand is gripping the soft of his hair as he kisses you back. Slowly, his mouth not leaving yours, he lifts you back into your seat.
“Easy, sweetie.” His voice is low as he pulls away, and though he turns his face from you, you can make out the blush on his cheeks. He settles back into his kneeling position on the floor. “I have one more surprise for you. Do try to control yourself.”
He retrieves a small, complete flower from his pocket, albeit one a little dreary from its journey. Sylus smiles triumphantly as he holds it out to you, and he was right; you do want to throw yourself at him. Instead, you take the flower and lean forwards, tucking it behind his ear before he can protest. He’d tilted closer to help you, and he sits back with an exasperated tsk when you’re done.
“It suits you,” you grin.
He yawns. “Everything does.”
You don’t want to get into trouble, so you shimmy to the very edge of your seat and carefully— showing tremendous restraint— reach out to take his face in your hands. “You’re amazing, Sy. Thank you for doing all of this for me, but…”
“I missed you. I like macarons, yeah,” you smile, “but I’d much rather have you.”
This time, he can’t hide his face and the way it goes pink, like the blossom behind his ear. His cheeks are warm beneath your palms. “You couldn’t have said that before I spent the whole day—”
His voice is strangled as you keel towards him— slow and deliberate— to thread your arms around him and pull him into a hug. He tenses for a moment, then wraps his arms around you too: holding you tightly, keeping you from falling any further. You can feel his hand stroking your back and he hums as you give him a gentle squeeze.
“Such a lovely moment, kitten,” he muses, your head on his shoulder. “I do hope it’s sincere, and not— say— an excuse for someone to get her paws on the macarons behind me.”
There’s another moment of quiet.
“Don’t be silly, Sy,” you retort, but your mouth is full, your cheeks are stuffed, and not a single word of it is intelligible.
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sturnioz · 6 months ago
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pairing. matthew sturniolo x fem!reader genre. smut, established relationship au, college au.
word count. 2.8k
❝i think my pretty girl enjoys the idea of someone seein' my hands on you like this.❞
content warnings. explicit content, fingering, clit stimulation, public sex (exhibitionism), light hair pulling, unprotected sex, creampie.
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"you know... when i asked if you wanted to work on this project together, i actually meant work." you say, your voice laced with mock seriousness as you glance up at your boyfriend, who sits across the table in the quiet library, a sly smirk dancing on his lips as he leans back in his seat, making himself comfortable.
as he stretches, his foot glides up your calf, the soft fabric of his sock brushing against your skin in a teasing manner — you nearly snort at the thought of him just wearing one shoe beneath the table, but the sensation of his gentle touches keeps you from laughing.
his fingers, adorned with rings that catch the dim light, twirls a pen nonchalantly, his body sinking further into his chair as he presses his foot more insistently between your thighs, sending a shiver down your spine.
"i know you like it," matt murmurs, bringing the tip of his pen to his glasses to push them up the bridge of his nose.
"maybe so," you quip, flipping through the scattered papers on the table and sliding them across the polished woof in his direction. "but i also like getting good grades.. be a good boy and fill out the bottom half while i find another resource book, yeah?"
a grin spreads across his face, and he prods his tongue against his cheek, his head bobbing in a short nod. his foot slips from between your thighs as he sits up comfortably in his seat, and you can't help but smile at his obedience.
you push yourself up from your own seat and make your way over to the nearby shelves, your eyes scanning the titles in search for the right book needed for your research. as you navigate the aisles, you take note of the various students scattered throughout the library.
some have their eyes glued to laptop screens, fingers rapidly typing away, while others are deeply engrossed in thick textbooks, headphones snugly covering their ears.
but in a quiet corner, you spot a couple nestled together, sharing hushed whispers and flirty giggles, their hands innocently wandering as they lean in closer.
they remind you of you and matt — though sometimes, you wouldn't exactly label your own wandering hands as innocent. there's been a few scenarios where you've been out in public, hands shoved down each others pants, or you down on your knees to blow him, or even him laying you down flat on top of a surface and devouring your pussy like a starved animal.
the thrill of being so close to getting caught excites you just as much as it excites him, and the thought alone sends a throb between your legs.
you avert your eyes away from the couple, a smirk creeping onto your lips as you notice them watching you, and their faces flush with embarrassment when they realise they've been caught — hurriedly gathering their belongings, head ducked low, hand in hand as they scurry away, leaving you amused.
"i know you like the feelin' of being watched, but i didn't realise you like being the watcher too..." matt's voice drifts into your ear, teasing and low. you're not taken aback by his sudden appearance, and you sink back into his chest as he presses firmly against your back, enveloping you in warmth. his breath, warm and inviting, dancing along your neck as he whispers, "somethin' you wanna tell me, sweetheart?"
"nothing that you don't already know," you tease back, returning your focus to the shelves in search of the book you need. as you sift through the titles, you feel matt's arms slowly slide around your waist, his palms pressing against your stomach, pulling you closer to him.
a smile tugs at the corner of your lips as his fingertips dip beneath the fabric of your shirt, offering a comforting touch that sends warmth spreading through you.
you ask, "did you finish your section of the paper?"
instead of a verbal answer, matt hums softly, his lips far too busy pressing gentle kisses along your neck. he nips playfully at the sensitive spots, causing your head to roll back against his shoulder, a deep exhale escaping your lips. his hands slip further under your shirt, fingers stroking the skin of your stomach.
the library faded into the background, making it harder for you to concentrate on anything else, and you can feel his grin against your neck, his glasses nudging lightly against your head as he chuckles at the reaction he easily caused.
"anyone can catch us here, you know," you whisper, your hand reaching around to rest on the back of his head, fingers slipping through his dark hair, nails scraping his scalp as you gently tug at the roots, which causes a quiet groan to rumble in his chest. "someone could look over, see your hands up my shirt — or maybe they'll walk over to find a book, and see you pressed against me like this. what would they think?"
"do you care what they would think?" matt whispers in your ear, and you shake your head, a small gasp leaving your lips as you feel his hand slide down to cup your pussy through your skirt, and you push back against him, ass rutting against his growing cock. "do you wanna know what i think? i think my pretty girl enjoys the idea of someone seein' my hands on you like this."
"i do.." you breathe out with a hum. "so, are you actually going to do something about it, or—"
"shh, sweetheart. patience, yeah?" he croons softly as he fists at your skirt, pulling the material up to your hips so he can dip his hands between your legs. "it won't feel good if we rush it, y'know."
your body fully relaxes into him, gripping his hair even tighter as his lips attach to your neck in gentle, affectionate kisses while his fingers stroke over your covered folds, your knees almost buckling when his finger draws circles over your clit.
your body feels hot — clothes sticking uncomfortably like second skin, and you're desperate to peel them off to finally let yourself breathe, but your free hand shoots out to grip the shelf in front of you when you feel matt drag your panties down your thighs, the cold air hitting your core.
"this okay?" matt asks you, his hands massaging your thighs, his thumb kneading into the skin. "can you talk to me, sweetheart?"
"more than okay," you force yourself to speak with a frantic nod. "just touch me — please."
matt smiles, and your mouth drops in a silent gasp as you feel his fingers touch your pussy, spreading your folds and dipping his middle finger in your arousal, chuckling lowly in your ears as your hand leaves his hair to grab onto his wrist for support.
he mutters praises when his finger pushes through your opening, thrusting in once and out before adding a second finger to stretch you open, curling them upwards when he's buried knuckle deep in your warmth.
"you're gonna have to be quiet if you want to continue this," matt warns you, his tone sharp. he halts his movements as he peeks through the shelves to observe the area, seeing students still with their noses shoved into their studies. "we're in a library, sweetheart. did i make you forget that already?"
you click your tongue against your teeth, "you're talking pretty confidently for someone who is breathing heavily in my ear every time i move against you..." you crane your neck to look at him, a smirk creeping onto your lips as you see the surprised look on his face. "what? did you think i wouldn't notice? matt... i thought you were smarter than that."
matt doesn't say a word because he knows you're right. he's hard — cock straining uncomfortably in his pants, and with your ass rubbing over his sensitive tip every time you press back into him, it sends him spirally, unable to control the heaving breathing in your ears.
it always fascinates him knowing how he's the one with his hands shoved between your thighs, yet you are the one that always seems to be in control.
but he has you quietly gasping once again as he starts up his movements, pumping his fingers into your pussy with his thumb rubbing your clit at an angle that has you trembling. your lips press together tightly, your back is arched, and your head lays limp on his shoulder as you grind on his hand, meeting his pace and sending your body into overdrive — body buzzing with each pump of his fingers.
the tension only builds more within the pit of your tummy when you see a student rise from their seat, heading towards the shelves to grab their needed book. they don't walk over in your direction, they don't even look in your direction — completely unaware of what's going on a few aisles down, but yet there's a small part of you that wonders what would happen if they just turn their heads to the left just a little more, to see the sight of your boyfriend fingering your beneath your skirt, pressed up against your body while covering your neck and shoulder in wet kisses.
realistically, you don't want to get caught. but the thought of it is enough to squeeze your thighs around matt's hand and cry out quietly.
"you're close, sweetheart.." matt states against your skin, knowing your body all too well. his movements are slow due to you caging his hand with your thighs, to he decides to circle his thumb over your sensitive nub. "do you want me to make you cum like this, pretty girl?" you're unable to speak, too struck with how he plays with your clit. "talk to me. y'know i won't do anythin' if you don't talk to me."
"i... i don't want to cum like this," you tell him quietly, watching as the student sits back down in their seat. the grip you have on matt's arm tightens, nails subtly pinching his skin. "want to cum on your cock — need to cum on your cock."
"you need to?"
"want to make you feel good—" you pause to pant heavily, your body jerking as he presses harder on your clit. "—need to make you feel good too."
"so fuckin' thoughtful, aren't you, sweetheart?" matt teases as he slips his fingers away, and you mewl at the emptiness with a pout, almost regretting at stopping so short, but you're reminded what's about to come when you hear him shuffling behind you, freeing his cock.
you yearn for him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of you, and you're on the verge of raising your voice to show your impatience until you feel his hands bunch your skirt around your hips before squeezing your ass in his palms.
you can't hide the grin on your lips as you provoke him, rubbing yourself back into him and letting out a squeak of surprise when he sends a sharp slap to your ass in warning for you to be patient. you listen to him despite the internal struggle, and you almost lose yourself when he rubs the tip of his cock through your puffy folds.
you brace your hands on the shelf in front of you, the tips of your fingers brushing against the books, and you snort when you see a book about mushrooms and fungi — a little something to remind yourself exactly where you are, but you don't care, not when you can feel matt slowly ease his cock into you, stretching you out to fit snug around him.
matt's hands are firm on your waist when he begins rocking his hips into your at a slow and leisurely pace, rubbing his cock along your walls, and the ache burns pleasurably around your thighs — his size never ceasing to amaze you.
you clench around him with laboured breaths, wanting him deeper, wanting him to go faster and fuck you against the shelf like you truly deserve, but he keeps at his steady pace, whispering affections and praises in your ear.
"fuck," you mutter, rolling your hips back into him. "feels so good, matt."
"yeah?" matt hums, his tongue licking the shell of your ear. "my cock is made just for you, sweetheart... all for you."
you breathe out shakily in response, "m'all for you too."
"fuck, i know, sweetheart," his voice trembles, his hand sliding down between your thighs to play with your clit as his pace quickens. "i know."
he pushes your legs further apart with a light tap of his foot and you spread them quickly, the grip you have on the shelf tightening with each deep thrust of his hips, his fingers rubbing circles on your clit sending your mind whirling. your body starts to shake, and you wonder if you're able to continue to keep yourself upright, taking a glance at the shelves to see if it jolts in time with your body, but you fail to notice when matt suddenly slips out of you.
he carefully turns you around to face him, and your back is uncomfortably shoved against the shelf, the wood digging sharply into your spine. matt's hand slides around the back of your thigh to grip, hooking your leg up over his hip and ducking his head down to kiss you as he slides his cock back into you with an airy sound, almost similar to a whine.
you kiss him back immediately, knocking against his glasses as you turn your head to the side to kiss him deeper, lips moving in sync with his as his hips start to move again. him thrusting his cock so lazily and slow inside almost brings you to tears at how good it feels, hitting all the right spots that has your leg curling around his waist, trying to pull him in deeper.
his hand that isn't holding your thigh delicately caresses your cheek as his tongue prods into your mouth, dancing with your own as his cock hits a certain spot within your gummy walls that has you reeling back, sucking in a deep breath as your orgasm slowly starts to build.
you thread your fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots once again and matt moans quietly, his breathing getting heavier as he stares at you with his darkened gaze.
"i'm..." matt swallows thickly. "i—"
"what?" you ask him, brushing his bangs out of his eyes and fixing his glasses, crooked from the kiss. matt doesn't answer for a while and you grow concerned, stilling his thrusts as you press your leg into his side to get him to stop. "matt, what's wrong?"
"i'm—shiiit—m'sorry, i—fuuuck," he's unable to complete his sentences as his hips start up once again, suddenly thrusting into your pussy at a speed that has your mouth dropping open in shock, your hands immediately gripping his shoulders to stabilise yourself. "i can't—fuck, baby—i need—"
you struggle to keep yourself quiet as you moan his name aloud and matt immediately shushes you, his hand covering your mouth, not even bothering to check around to see if anyone has heard you as he keeps his eyes locked on yours, but the eye contract deems to much for him as he lets out a small whimper of affection.
your own hand comes around to cover his mouth to keep him quiet, and you both stay like that, his hips erratically thrusting into yours, your cunt sucking his cock in deep as you stare into each other's eyes, all sounds muffled behind your palms.
your thighs start to shake with each frantic thrust he gives you, too wrapped up in the tightness of your warmth to notice how you're so close to cumming, and you try your best to grind your hips to meet his pace.
matt curses beneath your palm as his body jolts suddenly, his eyes widening before rolling to the back of his head behind his foggy glasses, hips snapping forward with one particular hard thrust, and you feel him fill you up with his cum. the sight of his face alone is enough to tip you over the edge, your walls convulsing around his cock as you shudder, your orgasm hitting you like a wave.
you're quivering, unable to stop the light trembles of your body as the euphoric feeling takes its course through your veins with silent cries. matt slumps against your, eyelashes fluttering as she tries to regain his focus, his hand dropping from your mouth to curl around your waist beneath your shirt, the skin on skin contact calming him down.
"you.. you lose," you tease softly through pants, removing your hand from his mouth to touch his cheek and he smiles, leaning into your palm.
"didn't know it was a competition to see who cums first," he licks at his lips before pressing a soft kiss to yours, "does uh, does that mean i won the other times?"
"whatever," you roll your eyes playfully, kissing his lips once more before you mutter. "let's get out of here before someone comes back here and notices.. please."
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vellichxrr6782 · 8 months ago
please please please write alhaitham being WHIPPED for his cute short lover
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— aiming low, aiming high.
character[s] — alhaitham. theme & genre — alhaitham helps you place a book on the shelf, but not without slipping a few teasing remarks about your height. cw/tw — none. word count — 800+ words. a/n — when im short but i cant write short reader and when i kin alhaitham but i cant write alhaitham 💔💔
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alhaitham is a man of great restraint, which all seemingly disappears when it comes to you, his lover. a few months ago, you started dating the scribe, who was the dictionary definition of stoic and unassuming. he didn't quite care for attention from those he wasn't privy to.
but he found himself wanting your attention all the time. it was an odd feeling for him; to be so... dependent. he was used to doing things alone, but then you appeared like some sandstorm, wrecking any level of control he had in his life.
he was sitting at his desk, while you sorted through his books. he'd given you a pattern that he preferred to have his books arranged in, when you'd said something about how messy his office was.
"i don't need it to be clean when i know exactly where everything is." he had told you. "if your desk has books on it, where will i sit?" "on the chair." "..."
alhaitham saw you reach up, holding an ivy book with gold cutouts. it was a heavy book, and you struggled to hold it properly and push it into the slot. due to your small stature, you had to stand on your tip-toes to try and reach it.
a slight smile (yet another thing he couldn't control because of you) made its way onto his lips as he observed you. you were... well, if he had to put it objectively, short.
the height difference between you two was rather prominent. alhaitham was tall to begin with, and he'd never really cared for his height until he met you. he enjoyed being the taller one, more than he'd like to admit. it was amusing to him, to provide absent-minded musings about your short stature, and even more amusing seeing your expected reactions.
he loved it when you looked up at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he loved it when you fit so snugly against his body when you two cuddled at night, and he loved the feeling of towering over you because it made him feel like he was protecting you.
not that you really needed any protecting. you were well capable of dealing with people. they say the smallest people have anger that's more concentrated; and he found it to be true when it came to you. you were vibrant in your expressions, quite different to him.
you were like the sun, and he was the moon. and even the moon sought the sun's light, after all.
you didn't realise when he'd snuck up behind you, both hands wrapping around your waist. he bended down to rest his chin on your shoulder, taking in the scent of your freshly washed clothes. there was a soft warmth in your embrace, what he'd define nostalgically as home.
"need some help, habibti?" he murmured, his voice low, his heated breath hitting your ear in a way that made you shiver.
"i'll be fine," you replied, warding off the butterflies in your stomach, "it's a book."
"this book seems to be greatly troubling my lover," he said, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. "i can't stand to see you in such perplexion. should i deal with it for you?"
you flushed a little at him calling you his lover. he'd said it before, but it felt odd to hear someone like him say the word as if he was saying hello. he didn't wait for your response, his hand grasping yours atop the book, deftly wrestling the book out of your hold and placing it into the slot.
you coughed, once, turning to meet his gaze. you had to look up at him, your eyes narrowing into an unamused expression when you saw that smirk on his lips.
"i'm expecting a comment about my height." you said, crossing your arms.
"i wasn't going to do it." he replied, but you weren't convinced. it was almost like he was holding back laughter. when he saw you stare at him, unconvinced, he slumped his shoulders, snaking his big arms around your small figure.
"i could fit you in my pocket." he spoke, leaning down to rest his head against your shoulder. "like a mini [name]. maybe you could take care of my keys for me, make sure i don't accidentally grab kaveh's."
"and there it is." you sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
he wanted to pick you up and... well, he didn't think that far. that train of thought crashed the second you pressed your lips against his.
he kissed you back, cupping your cheek. when he pulled away, he didn't really know what expression to make. his mind naturally settled for a smile, his eyes narrowed teasingly.
and here comes the second attack-!
"you're so short. my back hurts from crouching like this to kiss you." he said, feigning a woeful tone. critical hit, no survivors.
"don't make me hit you." came your quick reply. "hit me where?" he chuckled, "my face? you'll need a stool to reach that, habibti." "i can still reach your knees."
Tumblr media
posted on 10th july, 2024.
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cloudzoro · 1 year ago
Four leaf clover | Daichi x Reader x Bokuto x Kuroo ♡
pairings: bokurodai x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff
wc: 6.4k words
cw: group sex, light bondage, a knife but no actual knife play, toys, rough sex, overstimulation, safeword usage, cum play, daddy is used once, squirting, spitting, facefucking, just really nasty porn <3
this an edited reupload of a fic I wrote a few years ago, I have reuploaded it before but my old account got suspended (for unknown reasons) and I didn't want it to be lost to time. so I'm reuploading it one last time. i hope you enjoy! (originally posted in march 2021)
You ask your boyfriend Daichi if you can spice up your sex life by introducing two people you consider close friends to the bedroom but doing so accidentally spices up other aspects of your life too.
"Daichi?" you say, getting his attention. He looks up from his book with a raised eyebrow, and you suddenly get 10x more nervous. "Can we talk....about our sex life?" He’s intrigued, but there is a flash of worry across his expression.
"Is something wrong, Baby?"
"Nothing is wrong, trust me. Our sex is incredible. I just wanted to know if we can try something new."
"tell me what you're thinking."
Daichi is always willing to try new things with you. The first time you two had sex, he was gentle, but eventually, when he got more comfortable with you, you learned his mean demeanour was a facade. This is why you know he won't immediately shut you down when you suggest adding other people to your sex life; he looks pretty intrigued at your proposal. This is how you find yourself in your current position: on your knees facing the bed's headboard with your arms behind you with Bokuto positioned opposite you in precisely the same way, waiting for instructions. Daichi and Kuroo are seated on chairs on either side of the bed, both men palming themselves through their jeans.
"Why don't you two make out and make it sloppy," instructs Kuroo, unzipping his jeans. You can't contain your excitement as Bokuto pulls you onto his lap and connects your lips. He wastes no time shoving his tongue in your mouth, and you moan into his mouth at the feeling. There was so much saliva that the noise was borderline pornographic. Your hand's fist in his hair, pulling him impossibly close. You hear belts unbuckling and whining into Bokuto's mouth, knowing what's coming next. You glance to the side to see Daichi pulling his cock free from his boxers.
"so fucking pretty" hums Kuroo. He spits in his hand and wraps it around his cock. "Play with her pussy"
Bokuto's hand slips between the two of you, and you whimper into his mouth as he rubs circles on your clit.
"Her tits are so fucking sensitive," says Daichi, who's currently wrapping a hand around his thick cock. Bokuto pushes you on your back, slips a finger into your pussy and attaches his lips to your nipple. He bites and sucks on your nipple as he awaits another instruction. The noises you make at the feeling of his teeth against your nipple have him rock hard and ready to destroy you. He starts to grind his hips into the mattress, only stopping when Kuroo sharply tells him to. He adds another finger and curls it inside you. Bokuto moves to the other nipple, giving it just as much attention. Daichi groans as he watches you arch your back. He loves watching his girl. "You gonna cum, baby?" he asks, eyes not leaving your body as you buck your hips into Bokuto, who's stuffing another finger into your tight pussy.
You nod, feeling your stomach tighten in anticipation. Bokuto grins as you squirm on his fingers, feeling impossibly close. Your orgasm washes over you and leaves you feeling breathless. Bokuto moans as you coat his hand in your release. You knew Bokuto would be a moaner instead of a grunter, but hearing him in person is so much hotter than you thought it could be.
"good girl", coos Kuroo taking his hand off of his cock so that he doesn't cum too soon. "Shit, you're a hot little thing", he growls, standing up and grabbing Bokuto's wrist. He pulls Bokuto's hand to his face and sucks juices off of his fingers. He looks so good that you let out a dreamy sigh in appreciation at the sight, and Kuroo chuckles and pats your head.
His hand that was patting you switches to gripping your hair and pulling you onto your knees.
"Lay back, pretty boy."
Bokuto shuffles down the bed a little bit as Kuroo instructed. Kuroo pulled your face over Bokuto's cock. It's pretty, as pretty as a cock can be. He's so big you aren't sure if you can fit it in your mouth. His cock is an angry red and in desperate need of a warm wet little throat to fuck. You obediently lick up the underside of him and take the head into your mouth. Bokuto struggles to control his hips as a tingling sensation shoots up his spine, and he instinctively bucks into your mouth. The unexpected movement forces his fat cock further down your throat, making you gag, a sensation that pulls a beautiful moan from his throat.
With a lot of cooing from Daichi and Kuroo, you and Bokuto calm down and get back to it. Kuroo's hand on your head and the vocal encouragement from Daichi help you take Bokuto deeper into your throat. You bring your hands to wrap around what you can't fit in your mouth. Bokuto's moans turn to growls as you take even more of him in your mouth. He's so worked up that he's already close, and the way you're working your tongue against him has him rapidly approaching his release.
"She's so good", he whines, slowly bucking into you again. "I'm close"
Daichi chuckles, knowing precisely what he's talking about. His hand comes to pet your head in silent praise, letting you know how much of a good girl you're being. You continue to bob your head, preparing to swallow every drop of cum from Bokutos cock. Bokuto's gentle thrusts stutter as his hands push the others out of the way so that he has something to hold onto. His grip on your hair is so harsh that you can't help but moan around his cock, the vibrations of which send him over the edge. Bokuto moans and curses as he shoots his cum down your throat. You try to swallow as much as you can, but the load is so heavy that when you pull away, his cum drips from down your chin to your chest. All three men keep their eyes focused on you as you scoop his cum off of your chest and suck it off of your fingers one by one, groaning as you taste his cum on your tongue. They all whisper praises under their breaths, considering you the most appealing sight they've ever seen. The sight of your perfect lips wrapped around your fingers has them growling. You open your mouth, stick out your tongue to show them you are a good girl, and swallow it all down.
Daichi and Kuroo, who had grown too antsy and unable to watch anymore, grab you, and Bokuto pulls you to their respective sides of the bed. They hold the rope from the box you and Daichi keep under the bed and get to work tying your wrists together. You glance up at Bokuto, who’s already grinning at you. The positions they have you in mean that you and Bokuto are still facing each other.
You moan as Daichi pushes his thick cock into your pussy, splitting you open on him. He lets you adjust to his size before pulling back, causing you to whimper.
"Aww, poor baby. You feel all empty now, huh?" He laughs and waits for you to respond. The frantic nod you give is answer enough, and he thrusts back into you. The gasp you release when he pushes back in gives him a little ego boost. He knows he’s big, but watching you, all wet and eager, struggle to take him fuels his pride. You are an insatiable little thing, ready to present and endure a punishment. Daichi is never panicky about going too far. He always keeps a watchful eye on your state and trusts you to use your safeword if needed.
You clench tightly around him, snapping him away from his thoughts and back to his cock buried inside you. You begin to squirm in his grasp, and he smacks your ass as a warning to behave.
"You’re squeezing Daddy so tight."
“Daddy, huh?” teases Kuroo. Daichi just grunts at him, saving a smart-mouth retort for later.
You’re lost in the feeling of Daichis thick cock stretching you open that you almost forget Kuroo and Bokuto's presence until you hear Bokuto whimper and moan directly into your ear. Daichi smacks your other ass cheek twice, enjoying the way you respond. Kuroo follows suit, swatting Bokuto's ass with equal force to Daichi, grinning at the high-pitched noise that gets caught in Bokuto's throat.
"Look at them", coos Daichi, landing yet another harsh slap on your ass as he continues to thrust into your sensitive cunt. "They look so cute, all tied up and messy". Kuroo hums in agreement, pulling Bokuto up to his chest and biting down on his neck.
"Such good little whores, being obedient little cock sleeves," says Kuroo in a sweet tone of voice, contradicting his filthy words. " I didn't know your innocent little Y/N was so dirty", he chuckles.
Daichi grips your hair in his fist and pulls your head so it's tilted upwards. He moves his hand to your jaw and forces your mouth open; there’s a 'puh' noise followed by the sensation of Daichi's saliva hitting your tongue. He collects more saliva and spits into your mouth to show Kuroo just how filthy you really are. Kuroo pushes Bokuto back towards the bed so that he is level with you, keeping his fist tight in his hair.
"Don't swallow", Daichi warns, pushing you further along the bed so your head is at a perfect angle for Kuroo. You try not to swallow as Kuroo smirks before spitting in your waiting mouth, his saliva mixes with Daichi's and your own. The feeling makes you whimper. You curl your tongue so the saliva doesn't drip out of your mouth. These powerful men spitting into your mouth makes your pussy clench and drool, which doesn't go unnoticed by Daichi, who presses a kiss to your shoulder. Daichi pulls you backwards on the bed so you are face-to-face with Bokuto. Bokuto spits into your mouth and closes the gap between you, slotting your lips together in a messy kiss, tongue lapping messily against yours. Both Daichi and Kuroo let out a groan at the sight. You’re so glad you brought this up. Your skin feels tingly, and you’ve never felt anything like this. Bokuto's mouth feels so good against yours, and your doms are enjoying themselves if their heavy thrusts and growling words were anything to go by.
You’re so engrossed in Bokuto's mouth on yours that you don't notice the wand vibrator Daichi’s pulled out from your toybox until he presses it to your clit, causing you to moan and writhe in his grasp. Daichi knows he fucks you well and is never insecure about using toys. He considers any man who sees toys as a threat to be a pussy. Why wouldn't he want you to have toys when they can be helpful in situations like this? How could he hate your toys when he can use them to reduce you to a sobbing mess? He picks up his thrusts, causing your teeth to clash with Bokuto's as you are pushed forward with each hard thrust.
"Come on baby, give me another one" his words spur you on, and you whine embarrassingly loud, earning a condescending laugh from Kuroo. You let out a pathetic moan and push back onto him, practically begging him to go deeper. Your face is pressed into Bokuto's shoulder, and you can feel the coil in your stomach tighten. Bokuto moans in your ear as Kuroo frantically fucks into his tight ass, and the sound makes you clench around your boyfriend.
"fuck, I'm gonna cum” You continue your mindless babbling as Daichi coos filthy words of encouragement in your ear. You can barely hear Bokutos's frantic whimpering as Kuroo lands a harsh spank on his ass because all you can think about is cumming. When your orgasm finally washes over you, you bite down on Bokuto's shoulder to stop a sob from escaping your throat. The pleasurable sting of your teeth helps push Bokuto towards his orgasm. His asshole clenches around Kuroo's cock at the feeling.
"Shit, so fucking tight."
Your head falls to the mattress beneath you as Bokuto lets out a long, high-pitched whine followed by a loud string of curses. Daichis frantic praise is the only signal you get before he cums, emptying his balls inside your hot little cunt.
Bokuto had made a mess of your bed, and you aren't any different. Both of you have little time to breathe and fully recover before the wand is passed to Kuroo, who presses it against Bokuto's balls and reaches his hand around to play with his still-hard cock.
Daichi toys with your pussy, rubbing your clit and curling his fingers inside your cunt. He leans down to suck and bite at your ass and thighs, marking his territory. He waits until you’re at your brink, aided by the sounds Bokuto makes, and pulls his fingers away from you. His heart jumps a little at your sad whine. Denying you is so much fun.
Bokuto, however, doesn't get the same treatment. Kuroo seems intent on milking Bokuto dry. He doesn't relent in his pace as he jerks off Bokuto and keeps the vibrator pressed to his balls. Daichi lifts you from your position, holding your neck lightly.
"Watch, baby, see how fucking hot they are."
You watch as Bokuto shiver, growling deep in his throat as he cums once again. He looks so incredible when he cums that you can't help but verbalise it.
"Holy fuck, Kou. You look so good."
Bokuto grins at your praise, looking up at you exhausted. You barely catch his wink as you’re being pushed back down so your chest rubs against the quilt. Kuroo lets Bokuto gain his breath back as he watches you and Daichi. He can't wait to fuck you, to kiss Daichi, to watch Daichi fuck his boyfriend.
Daichi grabs a knife on the bedside table and runs it gently across your ass cheek, pressing enough to leave a thin red mark behind. You whimper quietly, struggling to form a coherent thought.
Daichi steps back to admire your body. He loves seeing you like this. On your knees, displaying your glistening pussy to him. He takes a moment to look at the bite marks and hickeys littering your thighs from both himself and Bokuto and follows them up to your ass cheeks which are red in the centre, and your right cheek shows hints of a bruise. On the left, the thin red line threatened to fade. He mutters out compliments as he situates the blade to your wrists and cuts you free of your bindings, smiling to himself in amusement when you keep your arms behind your back as you don't have the energy to move them.
He rolls you over, smoothes his hand over your legs, and presses kisses to your calf. He is looking at Kuroo, who is using the discarded knife to cut Bokuto free. Daichi has only had one orgasm, and yet he feels blissed out. He doesn't need to cum over and over to feel completely satisfied. He gets off when you get off. Knowing he made you feel this good, hearing you beg for him is enough for him. However, looking at the now untied Bokuto, who is gazing up at the ceiling with a satisfied look on his face, he wants nothing more than to have Bokuto's pretty lips wrapped around his cock.
"You look hungry, Kuroo," he says, still holding your legs. "Want a taste?" Kuroo happily walks around the bed and kneels in front of you. You squirm, knowing you'll probably be too sensitive for oral right now. You moan loudly as Kuroo skillfully licks a stripe up your pussy and clamps his lips around your clit on his way back down. You let out a strangled yell and writhe around despite Kuroo's grip on your hips. It feels so good.
"so, sen-uh fuck, too sensitive", you practically shout, earning a chuckle from Kuroo, who comes up to ask you if you need to stop. You think for a second and then shake your head furiously, he's already started his assault on your clit, and you’re so desperate for more contact that you begin to think that you might combust if he doesn't finish.
"You know you can use your safeword whenever you want to stop or take a break or even just slow down, right?" he asks, making sure you weren't pushing past your limits for his sake. You nod and try to moan at him to go back to what he was doing, but your words get caught in your throat as Kuroo pulls you closer to the edge of the bed, diving back in to lap at your pussy as if it was the last meal he'd ever have. He holds three fingers to your lips and forces them into your mouth. Kuroo groans into your pussy, making you shiver, as you swirl your tongue around his digits, sucking them as if they were his cock. He replaces his fingers with his thumb, grunting as you instinctively bite down in response to a particularly harsh suck of your clit.
On the other side of the bed, Daichi is thrusting into Bokuto's hot mouth. Bokuto is lying on his back with his head over the edge of the bed. Daichi was thrusting into Bokuto's throat like a fleshlight, causing Bokuto to whine and squirm beneath him. Daichi's hand comes down to press against Bokuto’s throat so that he’s practically jerking himself off through Bokuto's throat. When Daichi pulls his cock back, Bokuto takes the fleeting moment of freedom to gasp at any air he can take before Daichi shoves his cock back into Bokuto's eager mouth. Daichi looks down next to Bokuto's pliant body and watches as Kuroo flips you over onto your knees and shoves two fingers into your pussy, licking over the rim of your tight asshole. He teases your tight hole with his thumb as he sucks a purple bruise onto your ass cheek. He moved his mouth back to your ass hole as he thrust his fingers into your used cunt.
Daichi catches sight of the look on your face and almost instantly cums. Your eyes are heavily lidded and slightly crossed, cheeks flushed red and mouth open, leaving a pool of saliva. You look blissed out and drunk on sex. Daichi thinks you look breathtaking. He makes it his mission to see this face whenever you have sex. The thought that someone else is making you make that face should cause a possessive spark to ignite in his stomach, but instead, it makes him feel warm. He finds it so insanely hot that Kuroo can pull such a nasty expression from you. He gives a particularly rough thrust into Bokuto's throat, causing him to gag and moan around Daichi, who's now close to his second orgasm. He watches as your orgasm hits you, and you physically can't scream the way you want, as the only noises coming from you are soft whines and choked moans.
"You're so fucking gorgeous", He growls, picking up his pace in Bokuto's mouth. He thrusts his hips as Bokuto hollows his cheeks. "God, Kou, your throat feels so fucking good", He moans as he shoots ropes of thick cum down Bokuto's throat. He pulls away from Bokuto's throat and leans down to make sure he’s ok as he regains his breath, mumbling praises at him. When he looks up, he sees you on your back as Kuroo grabs the vibrator. Your thighs shake as you struggle to hold your legs up. You're beyond sensitive. A simple pinch on your bare skin could send you over the edge. As soon as you feel the simmering tension in your stomach, Kuroo pulls the wand away with a smirk, denying you the release you so desperately crave.
It's so attractive how much power they held over you.
"let me take over", sighs Daichi, taking the vibrator from Kuroo and pressing it back to your clit. He leans over your body to get a good look at your face. You're making that expression again, which makes heat prickle up his back. He looks at your open mouth, where your tongue is leaving sloppy trails of saliva, and pushes three fingers into your mouth, getting his fingers ready for you. He thrusts his slick fingers into your tight cunt at an angle that has you seeing stars. He knows your body so exceptionally well; it's as much a blessing as it is a curse. He has the ability to manipulate your body as if it were on puppet strings. As soon as he feels you clench around his thick fingers, he pulls the wand away and stills his hand. You attempt to let out a frustrated shriek, but it comes out as a strangled cry, a noise that makes his cock twitch. He gazes at your hole as it clenches around nothing. Once you catch your breath, he continues thrusting his fingers inside you and switches the angle of his fingers to get as deep as possible, curling them and making you arch your back into him. This time, having entirely regained his energy, Bokuto joins Daichi's assault on your heated, desperate body by licking and flicking at your sensitive nipples. The sensations are overwhelming, and you need release badly. However, it doesn't seem like your boyfriend got the message as, once again, he stops. Your orgasm is ripped from you, and you choke back a sob. This time, you don't shriek or protest. You simply cannot do it. You clench your eyes shut, grit your teeth and let the tears fall. Daichi moans between your legs, clearly pleased with your reactions, and curls his fingers inside you. This time he finally lets you cum, and a strange feeling washes over your body as you gush cum. You sit up the best you can, panting like a bitch in heat, and you finally realise what that feeling was. Daichi is sitting on his knees in front of you, with cum dripping down his chin and onto his chest, and the fluid is sticking his hair to his forehead. You go to apologise to Daichi for squirting on him, but he chuckles and nips at the inside of your thigh with his teeth. Looking up at Kuroo and Bokuto, he gives a satisfied smirk.
"I'm pretty sure I could go all damn night. What about you?" he stands up, pressing his lips to Kuroo's as Bokuto nuzzles his face against yours, whispering praises against your skin to let you know how good you had been and help you come down from an incredibly intense high. You could hear the low moans from Daichi and Kuroo, who were still locked in a deep kiss.
"Can I fuck her? I wanna fuck her pussy so bad," asks Kuroo against his lips. Daichi nods and pulls away, letting Kuroo settle himself between your legs. As soon as the head of his cock breaches your hole, panic rises in your body. As much as you want to continue, your body cannot handle it.
"Orange", you breathe out, and immediately Kuroo pulls out, and Daichi begins to smooth your hair. The room goes oddly silent, waiting for you to speak.
"Tell us what was wrong, baby. Are you hurt?"
"It hurt a little. I just need a break. I don't wanna stop," you say between heavy breaths. They all nod, exchanging glances, and Daichi scoops you up in his arms, pulling you up towards the pillows and cradling you to his chest.
"I'll help her calm down and chill. You keep going, and we'll join when we're ready,” says Daichi. Kuroo has Bokuto on his back and is kissing his neck. You curled into Daichi's chest, letting his heartbeat calm you down. Your previous orgasm was intense, and the aftershocks still linger in your body. Daichi holds a water bottle to your lips, rubbing your back as you drink it. "Such a good girl, you're an absolute angel", he whispers, pressing kisses to your cheek. He helped you catch your breath and cool down.
When your pulse returns to normal, you crawl towards Kuroo and Bokuto. Kuroo’s buried balls deep in Bokuto.
"Can I just watch?" you ask, not yet ready to join them. They nod, and Daichi takes his place at Bokuto's mouth. A strange feeling washes over you, and you feel content like you could watch the scene in front of you forever. You bring your fingers down to rub your clit and tease your hole. You watch Kuroo's forearms tense up, and Daichi's thighs flex as they fuck Bokuto, whose moans are driving you insane. It is stupidly hot to watch this, even though you're watching your boyfriend have sex with someone else. You feel no jealousy whatsoever, just a desperate need to move your fingers faster.
"Princess?" You look up at Kuroo. "Can I have a taste?" His voice is soft- he's still wary of your exhaustion levels- and it spreads warmth throughout your stomach. You nod and crawl over to him. You lean into him a little as he takes your slick, covered fingers in his mouth. He hums at the taste, playing it up a little for Daichi. "your pretty pussy tastes so good, baby" You’re feeling particularly soft and needy right now, and Kuroo seems pretty pleased when you lean up to kiss him. Your kiss with Kuroo is deep and sincere as if he's trying to tell you something. Daichi groans at how pretty you look tangled up in each other, and it comes out as more of a whine. Something in the air has changed, becoming painfully clear to him.
Daichi grins as you crawl over to him, pulling him into an equally emotion-fueled kiss. This feels right. Your hand works its way through Bokuto's hair, giving it a tug which it's obvious he enjoys by the muffled moan he gives around Daichi's cock. Daichi growls into your mouth and begins to thrust harder into Bokuto's throat. You can hear Kuroo throwing praise at Bokuto by the bucket and coaxing him to cum. You decided to do the same with Daichi, knowing he was weak for your voice.
"Please cum. I want you to cum in Bokuto's mouth. Please, Daddy, I love it when you cum" You whimper in his ear as if you're the one he's fucking, and you know you have the effect you want when the hand that isn't occupied by Bokuto's hair wraps around your neck. He pulls you close to his face and is careful not to squeeze.
"Kou, don't swallow," he says to Bokuto as he keeps his rough pace with Bokuto's throat. "You, pretty girl, are gonna bend down to his level and take my cum directly from his mouth since you love my cum so much" The growl of dominance in Daichi's voice is addicting. It makes your stomach do flips. Daichi lets go of your neck and focuses back on his orgasm. Every rut of his hips is accompanied by a muttered curse. "m'cumming", he moans, holding Bokuto's head down on his cock. Daichis arms flex, and his head rolls back, making your stomach flutter. When he pulls out, Kuroo lifts Bokuto slightly so you can crawl beneath him and open your mouth. Bokuto spits a little cum in your mouth and then leans down to slot his lips against yours. You wrap your legs around Bokuto's waist and clutch his hair in your fingers.
"So desperate", murmurs Daichi, who has moved around the bed so he can get a proper view of you and Bokuto swapping his cum between you. You swallow down the cum and give a satisfied grin. Every slam of Kuroo's cock inside Bokuto sends his cock rutting against your slick folds. You whine at the friction. Kuroo moves his hands back to Bokuto's hips, and Bokuto's head drops down to your neck, sucking a mark into the skin. The noises you make every time the head of his cock bumps your clit are swallowed by his mouth as he comes back up to kiss you.
"fuck, you're so pretty", he moans into the kiss. "I'm gonna cum, fuck, I need to cum so bad. Tetsu, please" Bokuto's whines were becoming incomprehensible as he approached his orgasm. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and he shoots ropes of cum all over your bare stomach. It's a beautiful sight in Daichi's mind. Kuroo is pushed over the edge pretty soon after, and he lets out a gorgeous low groan as he empties his balls inside Bokuto. Your body's getting warmer, and the tingly, almost overwhelming sensation is rising. You feel as if you exist on a whole different plane. Bringing this up to Daichi was the best decision you have ever made. You feel Daichi wipe the cum off of your stomach and when he finishes, he swipes his fingers through your sopping pussy.
"You're so fucking wet. You're insatiable, huh?" he chuckles from deep in his throat. "Bokuto lay down."
You crawl on top of Bokuto, hovering your pussy above his thick cock. You line him up and sink on him. His cock stretches you perfectly, and when he bottoms out, you arch into him, burying your face in his neck. You whimper into his skin at how good he felt inside you.
"You ready, baby?" you can feel the lust dripping from Daichi's voice as he pushes a lubed-up finger into your asshole. You moan pathetically as he thrusts another finger in, preparing you for his cock.
"C'mon, Daichi, she's squeezing me so tight. Can't you go any faster?" Bokuto’s trying so hard not to rut his hips up into you. Daichi opens the lube again, squirts a generous amount on his hand, and jerks himself a few times so that he is properly lubed up.
"I'm gonna start now, okay baby?" Daichi gives a small warning before pushing his fat cock past the rim of your tight little asshole. The stretch is foreign but not unwelcome. You're feeling unbelievably full, and he's only halfway in. You try to verbalise the feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you are speechless, unable to produce anything other than whines and broken moans of their names. You weren't sure if you could take them both all the way.
"How you feelin' baby girl?" he asks as he pushes himself three-quarters of the way in. You reach back to claw at him to let him know you were feeling full. It was a silent warning that you couldn't take much more. "easy baby, easy", he cooed, calming you down and rubbing your hips. "Just let me know if it gets too much, okay?"
You nod in response, and your eyes roll back into your head as he pushes the last of his cock inside you. You feel insanely full. It's a new sensation for you. They give you a few moments to adjust in which all three men coo praises at you, letting you know how much of a good girl you are for taking both cocks.
They start to set a decent pace inside you, alternating their thrusts so that you are never empty. Kuroos is not sure he could get any harder, but watching all three of you become desperate, horny little messes has his head swimming. He waits until they set a more comfortable pace, and you get accustomed to the feeling before adding himself to the fray.
"You've got another hole for me to fill, haven't you, princess?" he asks, cocking his head at you. You obediently drop your jaw and waste no time in wrapping your lips around his perfect cock. Kuroo curses as you take him deeper and threads a hand through your hair, opting to pet your head instead of harshly tugging. "such a perfect little mouth."
You're filled up and overwhelmed by the three men inside you. Their combined scents are making you dizzy. It's incredible. You attempt to bob your head on Kuroo's cock, desperate to make him feel good, too, and you receive an appreciative head pat in return. You can't do much else, and your body's busy responding to Daichi and Bokuto. Both men are hitting deep spots inside you, chasing their orgasms as well as yours. Their cocks sliding in and out of you feel like heaven. There's nothing in the world you want more at this moment than to be filled with their cum. Your velvet walls clench and spasm around their cocks, pulling them deeper and alerting them of your impending orgasm. Kuroo's still ridiculously sensitive after fucking Bokuto, and it doesn't take long for the tight constricting muscles of your throat to pull him over the edge. He pulls out of your mouth once he's finished and cups your face in his hands, telling you how pretty you look as you swallow his cum. You really are the prettiest sight he had ever seen.
"I'm gonna cum", you whimper, gripping Kuroo's arm.
"Do it, Baby, please cum for us", whines Bokuto, who's not far behind you. Daichi's grip on your hips is sure to bruise, but you pay it no mind as your body shakes with the sheer force of your orgasm. You feel like you're floating and never want to lose this feeling. Your walls feel impossibly tight as you gush on their cocks, and they both follow immediately after, grunting as they fill you up with their hot cum. They rub at your skin to calm you down, and both men are careful not to move too much.
"You did such a good job for us, baby girl. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much" Daichis the most vocal in calming you down, and when you finally return to this plain of existence, he gently lifts you off of their cocks, shushing and whispering in your ear as you gasp at the sudden empty feeling. He asks Kuroo to get a damp cloth to clean up your mess. Bokuto crawls over and flops down beside you and Daichi. He has a satisfied grin, but looks like he will pass out any minute.
Kuroo returned with two tea towels and handed one to Daichi. He begins to wipe up the mess on your thighs, apologising when he wipes at your sensitive pussy.
"I love you. You're my everything, you know that? I mean it, baby," he hums happily as you bury your face in his neck and let him go ahead and clean you up. "My pretty girl, my angel. You're so perfect. You are truly the best woman I could ask for, and I love to play with you" his voice is soft and comforting. He puts the cloth aside and tilts your head upwards. "Do you need anything?" You shake your head and grab onto him, wanting nothing more than to drift off to sleep shrouded in the warmth of big, sexy, buff men. You cling to Daichi as he settles himself against the pillows, and shortly after, Bokuto's arm wraps around you. You contently drift off to sleep.
Daichi wakes up feeling worn out but satisfied. He stretches and feels you curl further into his side. He loves you so much his heart could burst. He smiles as he looks down at you. You look content and happy. He looks past you to see Bokuto cuddled into your back, spooning you, and his heart skips a beat. He smooths Bokuto's hair, careful not to wake him up. He notices Kuroo's gone and gets up just to check on him. His movement makes you stir and wake up a bit.
"Daichi?" your voice is so tired and small.
"Go back to sleep, baby", he chuckles, kissing your forehead and walking downstairs to see Kuroo making breakfast.
There's a beat of comfortable silence before Kuroo speaks up.
"A line was crossed last night -and I'm
not saying that's a bad thing- but we should talk about it" Daichi nods in agreement, thinking back on how it felt to wake up in the same bed as Bokuto.
"Yeah, last night was more than just sex. Do you want me to wake them up?"
"Nah, I'll get them when I'm finished making breakfast. They need the rest. They'll probably be sore when they get up. Especially Y/N, we exhausted that poor girl.
"Yeah, we should give them some time before we start talking," says Daichi, stretching his arms back. He notices Kuroo staring at him while he stretches. "Don't burn the bacon", he teases, snapping Kuroo's attention away from his chest.
When you appear at the kitchen door in Daichi's shirt with Bokuto in just his boxers, The atmosphere feels peaceful and cosy like this was how it was always supposed to be.
"Thanks, Hot stuff", grins Bokuto, taking a plate of food from Kuroo. You all sit at the table and scarf down your food, as the previous night's activities left you starving.
"How are you?" asks Daichi, raising an eyebrow as you finish your plate.
"Sore and exhausted," you lean back in your chair. All three men look proud of themselves. "But so so good", you add with a satisfied smile.
"Atta girl," smirked Daichi, rubbing your thigh. Bokuto's voice fills the room and causes a somewhat tense silence.
"Are we dating now?"
You look at Daichi, not wanting to admit that the thought of bringing them into your relationship makes you happy. You think about your genuine feelings for them, and Kuroo speaks up.
"I actually wanted to talk about that because I like you, both of you just the same as I like Kou. Last night just really made that clear to me"
You're comforted by the fact that Daichi was smiling. You shyly nod, heat rising in your cheeks. You can't stop a smile of your own from splitting across your face. The others seem to have noticed too because Bokuto rests a hand on your thigh.
"so are we-?"
"Yes," there's a clear answer from everyone. The rest of breakfast is filled with giggling, chatting and date planning. You're quieter, opting to listen to the boys' conversation instead. You're still tired, and you can't quite shake the exhaustion.
"You okay, Princess?" asks Kuroo, "you seem out of it"
"Can we go back to bed? I'm still tired."
thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed :)
comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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lilrainbowcloud · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Percy Jackson x Reader
Genre: Fluff, aged up Percy!
Word count: ~0.8k || masterlist
It was quaint in your dorm room. The only source of sound in your room came from your laptop, shuffling songs from your "i just want to be happy with you" playlist, the song 'Everyone Adores You' by Matt Maltese filled the air, and also the sound of your boyfriend's soft rhythmic breathing while his body was snuggled on yours.
It was a nice feeling. Having him close to you. Watching him sleep without the creases that would mar his forehead as another bad dream clouded his mind.
Not a worry(monster) in sight. It had been two months since your last encounter with one of the children of Echidna. Ruining your park date which ended up with singed clothes and smashed strawberries.
Sometimes you just can't catch a break can you?
But moments like this you'd cherish. A perfect vision of you both safe in bed, under the warm weighted blanket while snow falls outside like little white cotton candies. The contrast of temperature made you rubbed your socked feet together, careful as to not stir too much that would disturb the sweet sleeping boy on you.
As you continued reading a book for your English class, your fingers mindlessly twirl his sandy blond hair. Massaging his scalp as you do which you knew calmed him down and he loves it when do you it. You thought about what to have for dinner since the sun was going down.
Disturbing your thoughts on honey garlic chicken serve with rice, Percy's suddenly took in a deep breath, signalling him regaining conscious. Stretching his limbs as he let out a groan.
You smiled behind the book, still reading the last bit of line of chapter eleven.
After a moment, a finger lifted the bottom of your book. Bright blue eyes peaked from behind it, curtained by curls. You giggled as brushed his hair away from his eyes as you put the book down beside you.
"G'morning," he mumbled. Smiling as your fingers run through his hair.
"Morning," your replied, giggling as you watched him snuggled back into you. Arms wrapped around your torso from your position of resting your back on the headboard.
"I'm hungry, do you want to get dinner?" you asked, patting his back softly as if to put him back to sleep as you would a baby.
A groan, and a muffled mumble as he spoke into the folds of your sweater.
Okay.... So that's a no for going out to hunt for food. Pulling out your phone, you opened the food delivery app. Asking what he wants.
Lifting his head up to look at you with his still sleep clouded eyes, he replied, "What are you having?"
You replied with what you had thought earlier. Finger scrolling through the menu of your favourite restaurant.
Percy let his head fall again on your stomach. This boy is really exhausted.
"Do you want the same as me?" Glancing from below your phone screen, you watched as he nodded his head which tickled you a bit.
How was he breathing was beyond you. At least you saw his back rising and falling steadily. Need to keep an eye on that one.
Shaking your head at his antics, you ordered two sets with strawberry tea that you liked. Nice to have something hot during the cold weather.
Setting your phone down after checking out dinner, you sigh as you looked at your boyfriend. It was adorable really, watching him be at peace.
The impending danger that you both have to face everyday was tiring enough. Now, added with college classes, it was double the challenge. But you had the best of times with him.
Choosing to go to the same college together, even though you both resided in different dorm rooms but he would still crash at your place since you got the room all to yourself. The reason being your previous roommate had dropped out of her program because the professors was being such a "pain in the ass" as she said it.
Now you can say that Percy is your roommate.
College is nice. It's even nicer that you had a Percy Jackson by your side to fight monsters and exam papers together.
Just the life you had always wanted.
Or did you?
Lowering yourself so now you're back is against the pillow, you put am arm over your eyes while the other wrapped around Percy.
For a moment, you just want to enjoy every single peaceful second that you can with him.
Well, maybe just until dinner arrives. Because if he doesn't let you get up to get your honey garlic chicken, you're going to kick him off of you. Lovingly of course!
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americas-ass-writing · 7 months ago
Birthday surprise
Steve Rogers x soulmate!reader
Words: 1k
Summary: Steve has a very special surprise planned for your birthday
Warnings: none I think
AN: this is my (first hopefully) entry to Siri’s Birthday Bonenanza! Happy birthday dear @stargazingfangirl18! I got out our favourite soulmates just for you 🥰 I used the prompt "Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?”. I hope you like it!
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" the soft voice of your boyfriend slowly pulls you from your slumber. He came over last night to cook you dinner, watch a movie of your choice and make sure to be the first to congratulate you by perfectly timing a kiss as the clock struck midnight.
His smile is the first thing you see as you finally open your eyes and mumble a "good morning". His warm embrace almost lulls you back to sleep but your soulmate has different plans. "Happy Birthday" he says once more before giving you a sweet kiss. "We have some plans for today... So as much as I'd like to let you sleep in, you have to get up" he adds with a sweet pout on his lips. He quickly kisses your pout away and sits up. You know the drill of his morning ritual so you turn around to lay on your stomach. His lips find your soulmark with a sweet peck that sends tingles through your body. After three pecks for good measure he gets out of bed and starts to get ready. You grumble a bit more but ultimately get out of bed to also get ready. This is when your unofficial morning ritual starts. You find Steve in the bathroom, half dressed, brushing his teeth and press a sweet kiss to his soulmark. Your arms wrap around him as he shivers in delight, your head finding it's place between his shoulder blades. He lets out a low chuckle and continues with his oral and skincare, throughoutly enjoying your snuggles. When he's done he turns in your embrace and wraps his arms around you. He always the two of you from side to side till he signals with a kiss to your forehead that you need to get ready too. Off he goes to get dressed while you finish up in the bathroom.
After breakfast Steve takes you on a little shopping spree to the bookstore. Although he's adamant that you have unlimited budget you don't pick up everything you want. You pick a few more books than you'd usually splurge on but buying the whole shelf of your favourite genre seems excessive. Steve, ever the gentleman, carries your new treasures around the next store he's letting you have free range: home decor. This is somehow even more dangerous than the books. Your fingers twitch at the candle selection, wanting to pick up several but you narrow it down to five fall scented ones. Steve also finds you a new throw blanket you can't resist and is promptly rewarded with a kiss. He's smiling the entire time and you get the feeling he's happier about this shopping spree than you are.
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Once you're done he promises you another surprise. A brief walk through the park that brought you together leads you both towards the Avengers tower. You're a bit confused and a bit disappointed. Whatever he has planned will be great for sure but there's always so many people here that you won't have Steve for yourself. As if he can sense it Steve gives your hand a small squeeze and throws you a reassuring smile. He's doing his best to lead you two up to his room without anyone stopping you guys for him. If they come up to wish you a happy birthday he gladly lets them. You deserve to be celebrated every single day but especially today. Soon the two of you make it to his room where he sets down his gifts and swiftly pulls you onto his bed for some cuddles. He doesn't get to enjoy them long because your stomach growls. Steve lets out a chuckle and kisses your forehead. "Alright... Time for lunch." He says with this sweet smile and eyes full of hearts that are reserved just for you.
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Soon enough you find yourself in a strange room. It's wide, empty, walls of steel and no windows. The only things in here besides of you are a picnic basket and blanket. Your eyebrow lifts at your soulmate. Surely he could have found a better place. Steve smiles only widens at your confusion and he walks to a control panel in the wall.
"You know two of the few things I love are you and breaking the rules. When I thought about what to do for your birthday I soon had an idea to combine those two things. And well Tony was very helpful with this. I know you love fall and today is not really... fall. So I'm bringing it to you by using our training simulation room. Normally we use it with agents to simulate those horrible scenarios. So they can train. Today I'm using it, without shield director permission," his eyes glint with mischief "to bring us to our spot in the fall." His smile is so bright as he pushes a button and the simulation starts around you. Trees forming around you, the bridge with the benches appearing right under the picnic blanket, colourful leaves and the little river fill out the rest. Even the air smells crisp and of fall. Soon enough you find yourself in a perfect replica of your spot but with your favorite season taking it over.
You can't help the smile growing on your face as Steve walks up to you. He's about to ask what you think but the words die on his lips as you embrace him with a bit too much force, causing a little "oof" to escape him. "I have a feeling you like it" he grins as you roll your eyes playfully.
"Oh do you now?" You tease with a smirk which soon is kissed from your lips.
"Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?" He whispers against your lips. "It was so hard not to tell you... I knew how excited you'd be about it." He admits. Your smile turns a bit softer and you cup his cheek. "Thank you Stevie... This is amazing." His smile turns even brighter.
"Happy Birthday sweetheart... I love you"
"I love you too, Stevie”
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kpop---scenarios · 7 months ago
Misery Loves Company (1)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Warning: Language etc
Genre: Coworkers/Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Okay! I'm happier with this version of the first chapter!
Everything Taglist: @piscesrising01 @baby-stay92 @kisses-too-the-moon @dwaekkiiracha @rylea08 @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @satosugu4l @iovecb97 @lordmaahes-nsc @sailorkoss @minh0scat @pixie0627 @50-husbands @jinnies-muse @yaorzu-blog @joyofbebbanburg @number1jeonginstan @skzooluvr @jisunglyricist @ambersnowxxx
@wife2straykids @silly250 @gabriellamarie @tsunderelino @1810cl
@anskiiz @ayyonoona
“Are you ready for the conference?” Your friend and co-worker, Hyunjin grins. “I can't wait for it.”
“Oh yeah, a week of meetings and workshops sounds absolutely delightful.” You chuckle.
“Believe me, that's not all that happens.” He grins, sending you a wink as he nudges you with his elbow.
You look around the office, catching the eye of the man you despised the most, Lee Know. Or as everyone else in the office called him, Minho. He was an arrogant, self centered, short tempered, selfish and rude man. And for some reason, well not some, a reason well known, he was extremely popular among your co-workers. He was undoubtedly extremely attractive, with a sense of humor that everyone loved, except you. However, that didn't change his shitty attitude and even shittier work ethic, and yet he had the audacity to talk shit about you.
You had walked into the break room one day, when you had only been working there for a few weeks, and there sat Minho with his back to you while he spoke to a few other workers.
“She's just… well, she's fucking horrible at her job.” He chuckles. “I mean, sure she's nice, maybe? I dunno, I haven't really talked to her, but she sucks. She must have been hired for her tits and ass.” He says, laughing. The other workers try to hide their faces as he continues on. But surely he wasn't talking about you? You were hired around the same time as another girl, and this made your stomach sink. You weren't great yet but you were trying, and you hadn't had like a huge fuck-up. Only a few minor ones.
You tried your best to ignore it, since there was a chance he wasn't talking about you and you wouldn't be upset until it was confirmed. “Y/N needs to go. I don't know how she's still even here.” He sighs, glancing over to his left. “Rose, what are you doing this weekend?” He smiles, looking at the other newer girl.
“She's right behind you, man. Why do you have to be such a dick?” One of the men, Hyunjin tells him, getting up from his chair to come up to you.
“Don't listen to him. He barely has one brain cell that's even functioning.” Hyunjin chuckles, guiding you out of the break room. ever since then, you and Hyunjin had become very good friends, while that made you want nothing to do with Minho, and you avoided him for months as best as you could. Unfortunately for you, you were still close enough to hear about his weekends, which led you to finding out that he was the biggest playboy you had ever met. Monday mornings, he was always talking about his latest conquests from the weekend, making sure it was loud enough for you and others to hear, rarely got his own work done on time, and yet, somehow was still praised by management.
You were honestly shocked he hadn't been fired yet. If you were to do some of the exact same things he did, you'd be written up, but he was a god among you all, and that fueled your hatred for him even more.
“Hey, you wanna ride to the airport together?” Hyunjin asks, as you're both packing up for the day. You were all booked on the same flights, tomorrow morning at 9:00am but you weren't going to let Hyunjin go that far out of his way for you.
“That's sweet, but no thanks. It's too far, I'm just going to drive myself, my dad is going to pick up my car from the airport later tomorrow. I appreciate the offer though!” You smile.
“Well if you change your mind, let me know.” He smiles, leaving before you.
You finish grabbing your bag, turning off your computer and making sure you weren't forgetting anything. You make your way to the elevator, clicking the button as you wait for it to ding, you feel the presence of someone beside you. You glance over, seeing Minho standing beside you, impatiently tapping his briefcase.
“Did you even press the button?” He asks, pressing it again.
“What do you think? I'm not an idiot.” You snap.
“Woah.” He chuckles. “A little testy this evening, are we?”
“You ruin my mood with your presence.” You sigh.
“You hate me that much? What have I ever done to you, Y/N?” He asks.
“Oh yeah, I despise you.” You answer. The elevator opens, you push your way in front of Minho to get on first, pressing the close button in the hopes it would magically close right in his face.
“That's hurtful, Y/N.” He pouts. “I just wanna be friends.”
“I have enough friends.” You respond.
“What's one more?” He grins.
“Having you as a friend sounds like absolute hell.” You say.
“Good thing I don't actually want to have you as a friend. You're too uptight for my liking. Maybe if you loosened up a little.” He says. “You know what, probably not even then.”
The rest of the ride down is silent. You get off as soon as you can, speed walking towards the front doors so you can get away from him as fast as possible. That night when you got home you finished up your packing and went to bed early. You had to leave by 630am to get to the airport at a decent time before your flight, you were not going to miss it.
“No, no, no!” You whine, running as fast as you can towards your flight's gate. Your carryon suitcase barely hangs on behind you as you weave through the crowds of people standing around waiting. “Please… no.” You breathe as you reach the desk, slamming your boarding pass down on the top. Seconds later another boarding pass is slammed down next to yours but you choose to ignore it. You were here first and you desperately needed to get onto this flight.
“I'm…” You breathe, your chest heaving. “Here.” The lady smiles at you, opening her mouth to speak. “I'm so sorry.” She sighs. “You just missed it.”
“No! Please! I woke up late and was rushing to get…here! And then I got a flat tire on my way! I-I left my car on the side of the road… I had to hitch a ride the rest of the way!” You complain. “It hasn't even taken off!” You say, motioning to the plane that was now pulling away from the gate.
You let out a big sigh. “Are there any other flights going out later today or tomorrow?” You ask.
“Yeah I really need to be on that flight.” Someone beside you says. The voice was familiar. A little too familiar and you really fucking hoped it wasn't who you thought it was.
You look over and aggressively roll your eyes, seeing the man you worked with, that you absolutely despised.
“I'll be on any flight that he's not on.” You say.
“They’d leave you before they left me, right gorgeous?” He chuckles, sending the desk agent a wink.
“Unfortunately, you're both out of luck.” The lady says, giving you both a sympathetic look. “The next flight there isn't until next week.” She tells you.
“But I need to be there ASAP for a conference. It starts in 3 days!” you complain.
“So do I.” Minho huffs.
“No one cares about what you need to do, Minho!” You snap.
“You can always rent a car.” She suggests. You hang your head down. The last thing you wanted to do was drive for 3 days to get there but it seemed like at this point it was your only choice. When you look back up, Minho is already gone. You make your way to the car rental desk, getting in line behind Minho. A few minutes later the man at the desk walks away with his keys in his hand, letting Minho head up to the desk.
“Just to let you know.” The girl behind the desk starts. “We only have one car available.” She says, forcing a smile.
“I'll take it.” Minho yells, just before you. He turns around, giving you a grin, one that made you want to punch him in the face. “What are you gonna do, Y/N?” He asks, protruding his lip for a fake pout.
“You have nothing left?” You ask the girl, holding your hands together to beg her. You'd drop to your knees if you had too.
“Not until next week.” She says. Minho continues to rent the car, signing documents, giving his license, while you stood behind him, internally fighting with yourself. You could just miss the conference right?
You pull out your phone to call your boss, who answers on the second ring.
“Y/N. Are you on your way?” He asks.
“Well sir…” you say, clearing your throat. “I missed the flight. And unfortunately Minho got the last car rental.” You explain. “So I was wondering…” you begin before he cuts you off.
“That's perfect. Just go with Minho then. What's the problem?” He asks.
“Nothing sir. Just wanted to let you know what the plan was.” You say through gritted teeth.
“Excellent. See you in a few days.” He says, hanging up the phone.
Minho grabs his keys walking past you, without a care in the world. You grab his arm, which to your surprise is a lot more muscular than you had expected.
“Can I help you?” He asks, pulling his arm away from you.
“Can I….” You trail off into a mumble. Minho squints his eyes at you. “Huh?”
“Can I… get a….” You trail off into a mumble again.
“I'm sorry, what? Y/N, speak up. I can't help you if you don't talk to me.” He says, leaning his ear closer. “I'm not getting the question?”
“Can I get a ride with you?” You huff, rolling your eyes.
“See, that wasn't so hard was it?” He smiles.
“So?” You sigh. “Can I?”
“No.” He says, walking towards the parking lot.
“Come on! You talk shit about me! it's the least you can do.” You snap.
“Oh fuck. It was one time.” He says.
“That I know of.” You tell him.
“Just skip the conference.” He says, continuing to walk away.
“I would if I could. Mr. Johnson said to ride with you.” You tell him.
Minho doesn't respond, instead pulls his ringing phone from in his pocket, sighing loudly as he looks at the caller ID. “Hello?” He answers. “Yes sir. Of course sir. See you then, sir.” He finishes hanging up the phone.
He starts walking away, you stay still. Taking in deep breaths. You'd get this figured out. It would be fine. Everything always ends up being fine, right? As you turn to walk in a different direction, Minho turns his head to look at you. “Well let's fucking go, we don't have time to waste.” He snaps, continuing to walk. You smile to yourself as you follow him, but that smile quickly fades when you remember how long you're going to be stuck with him in the car. At least you'll get a break when you get your own hotel rooms.
“Rules for the car.” Minho starts, pulling out of the airport parking lot. “You're not allowed to talk. You're not allowed to touch the radio, you're not allowed to do anything. Okay? It's gonna be a long drive and I'm already annoyed.” He says.
You don't reply, instead just stare out the window, leaning your head back onto the head rest.
“Okay?” He says again, glancing at you.
“What?” You scoff. “You said I'm not allowed to talk.”
“Fucking take me now.” He groans, looking up at the sky.
The first few hours were fine. The hum of the radio filled the car and you slept off and on, but right now you needed to use the bathroom so fucking bad. You didn't want to break the rules but there was a gas station coming up, and if you didn't go you were going to burst.
“I need to pee!” You yell out, pointing to the station. Minho sighs as he pulls off onto the exit, pulling up to the pump. You exit the car as fast as your legs would take you, b-lining straight for the women's room.
A few minutes later, you emerge feeling like a brand new woman. You glance outside, expecting to see Minho waiting in the car but he's no longer parked by the pumps. Your head whips from left to right, and you can't see him. Your purse, your phone, everything you had was in that car and now panic was starting to set in.
Your chest starts heaving as you could barely catch your breath. You were turning in a circle, until you heard laughing. You look over, seeing Minho walking over.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asks, eyebrow raised.
“I thought you left me.” You admit.
“I parked on the side because someone else needed the pump.” He says. “I've been waiting for you. Jesus christ, let's go.” He finishes, walking back the way he came.
Relief sets in as you follow him to the car. Yeah, you probably should have checked around the whole building, but it also would not have been completely out of character for Minho to just abandon you in some town. The two of you get back into the car, setting off once again. If you wanted to make it on time, you were going to have to drive for another 8 hours before stopping. Honestly, it couldn't get any worse. The silent car ride was killing you. You enjoyed talking to people, and even though the only person you had to talk to was Minho, you would have rather had that than not talking at all. But every time you tried to talk to him, he immediately shut you down, whether or not he verbally told you to shut up, or putting his finger to his lips, or putting up his hand to tell you to stop. After the third time, you just decide to give up.
Eight hours later, Minho pulls into the parking lot of a hotel, parking the car. You both get out, excited to stretch and crawl into your own beds and sleep before another long drive tomorrow. You both walk up to the front desk, each speaking with a different clerk.
“One room, one bed, please.” You smile at the man.
Minho points to you. “What she said.” He murmurs, letting out a yawn.
“I'm sorry.” The man smiles. “Unfortunately, we only have one room available for the night.”
“Whatever.” Minho sighs. “One room, two beds then.”
“No sir.” The man laughs. “My apologies for being unclear.” He smiles.
“We only have one room with one bed.”
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deatheaterv · 3 months ago
Could you please write an imagine having a toddler with Snape and asking him if he wants another kid and after a lot of thinking/debating with himself he tells you he wants to start trying for a second and you tell him it’s too late to try because you already are pregnant but didn’t know how to tell him?
Thank you so much in advance!!!
pairing : severus snape x fem!reader
genre : fluff
summary : as in the request
you and severus sit quietly in the living room after your toddler has been tucked into bed. the faint sound of their soft breathing can be heard from the next room, and the evening is peaceful. you watch him as he absently flips through a book, his fingers lightly tapping the pages. there’s something about the calm, shared silence that makes you feel at ease, but there's a thought in your mind you can't quite shake.
finally, you break the silence, your voice soft. "severus," you begin, your tone playful but gentle. "have you ever thought about having another child?"
he doesn’t look up from his book at first, but you can see his brow furrow slightly. his voice is cautious, as though considering every word carefully. "another?" he repeats, the slight edge of doubt in his tone. "do you think we’ve even survived having one child, y/n? are you truly asking me to go through this chaos again?"
you chuckle softly, but there's a warmth in your heart. you know he’s not being entirely serious, but he’s definitely considering it. your mind races, wondering how he’ll react to what you haven’t yet told him.
"well," you continue, inching closer to him, "our little one does love you... and you’re a great father. maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, having another. the house would be a bit more lively, don’t you think?"
he sighs, rubbing his temples like he’s mentally preparing for a battle. you can tell he’s really debating this, something deep in his chest fighting with the idea of taking on more responsibility. "i suppose the idea of another... doesn’t sound entirely impossible," he admits slowly. "though, i’d prefer not to add more sleepless nights or tantrums into the mix."
you smile softly at him, your heart swelling with love for the way he’s trying to think through everything. "i think we could manage. we’d figure it out, just like we did the first time."
he looks over at you then, searching your face. for a moment, there’s a brief silence before he exhales a long, quiet breath, looking down at his hands. "perhaps if you truly want to try, i could... i could try, too. to start trying, that is."
you smile, the tension in your chest lifting. he’s agreeing. he’s considering it. but now, comes the hardest part. you’ve been sitting on this secret for weeks, and now feels like the right moment to share it. you look at him with a mischievous glint in your eye.
"severus," you say softly, your hand resting gently over your stomach. "it’s already too late to try."
his brow furrows. "too late?" he repeats, clearly confused. "what do you mean?"
you take a deep breath, trying to contain the excitement building inside you. slowly, you guide his hand to rest on your stomach, the secret you've been carrying now no longer a secret. you watch his face, feeling your heart race.
"i’m pregnant," you whisper, your voice barely audible.
he freezes. his eyes widen, and for a moment, he doesn’t speak. the surprise takes him completely off guard, and you watch as the weight of it slowly settles in. you can’t help but smile as he stares at you, his usual composure gone, replaced by something so much softer.
"you’re... pregnant?" he repeats in disbelief, his hand still resting on your stomach, his thumb brushing over the fabric of your shirt as if he’s trying to confirm it himself.
you nod, your heart fluttering as you watch him process the news. "yes," you say, your voice gentle. "i didn’t know how to tell you... but here it is."
severus doesn’t say anything at first, and for a long moment, all you can hear is the steady rhythm of his breath. his eyes flicker down to your stomach again, then back up to your face, his lips slightly parted as if he’s searching for the right words.
"well," he finally murmurs, the corner of his mouth quirking up ever so slightly. "i suppose i should be grateful i didn’t have to start trying, then." his tone is dry as usual, but there’s an underlying softness there, a hint of something more vulnerable than usual.
you laugh, reaching up to touch his cheek. "i knew you’d come around," you tease, a soft warmth spreading through you. "looks like we’re having another one."
snape lets out a breath, his eyes meeting yours with something almost tender in them. "we’re going to need more than just two hands for this," he says, a hint of genuine amusement in his voice now.
as you rest your head against his chest, you realize that no matter how much he tries to hide it, severus is already more than ready. he just needed to hear it from you first.
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f1cflcfic · 29 days ago
Just Because I Called You (Carlos Sainz) - part i
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Well, sometimes the muse outruns your earlier plans. I wasn't going to write a Carlos fic, but here we are :) This one is fully written and only has four parts, hope to update every 5 days!
pairing: carlos sainz jr x fem!reader
summary: y/n knows there's a reason for his contact details to be saved under 'do not interact', but one call does not mean you miss him.
genre: 1.6k words, written au, brief 18+ content, angst
note: this is RPF and is obviously in no way, shape, or form reflective of real persons
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Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s just the sheer exhaustion that’s keeping you from finding your house keys after a night out with your friends.
You curse out loud, digging your hand back into your purse, even though you know it’ll be another futile attempt.
It’s not there.
Dread settles in, as you consider your options. You’d been the last one in the Uber, so all your friends have undoubtedly already crashed out. You could book a hotel, but that seems very excessive, expensive, and also just incredibly inopportune. Everything you need, your contact solution, your glasses, your pyjamas – it’s all just on the other side of the door.
With a sigh, you lean your clammy forehead against the front door.
“Fuck,” you whisper, as realisation sets in. You’re going to need a spare key. And it just so happens there’s only two other people who might have one, of which one is currently on holiday in Thailand.
Which leaves you with the worst option of all. With a sigh, you grab your phone and scroll through your contacts. “x do not interact x ”
“Needs must,” you mutter to yourself, then press the green call button. It’s well past midnight, and you feel bad about calling – but you also know that if anyone’s going to answer, it’s him.
The line rings once, twice, three times, before it comes to life with a little crackle.
“Hello?” You close your eyes almost on instinct, as his rough voice washes over you. It doesn’t hurt as much as it once did, but the ache still lingers.
“I know it’s late, and I know we’re not supposed to talk, but I’m drunk and dumb, and I can’t find my key,” you rush out all at once.
There’s faint rustling on the other end of the line, but then he comes back. “I got it. Just eh – wait? I’ll be there in 10.”
For seven minutes, you pace up and down the hallway in your apartment building – desperately convincing yourself of the fact that this won’t end badly.
You’re broken up. Have been broken up for a month. It’s the sole reason why your friends took you out, to celebrate that it’d been a month of going no contact with your ex.
Because you deserved better. You deserved someone who’d say “I love you” back, who’d buy you flowers, who’d take you out on dates that weren’t just sponsor events, and holidays that were just the two of you.
You deserve to be someone’s priority. So you’d told him it was over, and it had somehow made you even more mad that he’d just accepted it.
“Hi,” a voice says softly, and you immediately feel tears burn behind your eyes.
“Hi Carlos,” you reply meekly, waiting and watching as he approaches slowly. He’s wearing soft grey sweatpants, and a hoodie you once bought him in your favourite colour.
It’s uncomfortable and weird, the way in which neither of you really knows how to greet each other beyond that. Initiating any type of bodily contact seems like a bad decision, not when you know it's never going to satisfy the itch. It'd only make you crave his touch more, in ways you can't have it. Not anymore.
He awkwardly lifts his hand and shows you the spare key you’d once given him. The one he hadn’t given back yet. Your stomach lurches as you catch sight of the tiny sparkly chilli keychain dangling in the air.
“Shall I?” He asks, motioning at the door that you’d unconsciously been blocking with your body.
“Right, sorry,” you mutter, and quickly take a step back to give him some room.
Belatedly, you realise you should’ve just taken the key from him altogether right then and there.
But he's here now.
So instead, you thank him for coming out to you at 3AM in the morning. “Do you want to come in? Have something to drink before you leave again?”
You regret it the moment the words come out your mouth, as you can see Carlos visibly flinch. “I didn’t mean – no, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I think you did, though. And you’d be right. I was pretty good at leaving, wasn’t I?” He rubs his face with his hand, your eyes following the movement.
It drops back down, then pushes the door open a little further. Your eyes trail up his arm, lingering briefly on his neck. It’s lost some of its thickness, signalling the off-season. He’s handsome either way, but it just makes you hurt over lost time and moments together.
Your need to catalogue all the ways in which his appearance has changed is distracting, and you’ve inched closer to him – closer than strictly necessary, before you realise.
You shuffle past him, carefully knocking into his arm just so. You kick off your heels, and hang your bag on the coatrack.
You look back over your shoulder, then point at the basket neatly situated on the side table in your hallway. “Look. Keys are right there.”
“Cariño,” he warns, but against what, you’re not entirely sure.
He should probably leave, you think. He could have left. If he’d wanted to.
“You could just drop those keys off there as well,” you add, coaxing him to make a choice.
To finally step foot inside your apartment for the first time in 6 weeks. Or to never see it again.
He exhales, dark brown eyes zeroing in on yours as he makes his way in. He doesn’t drop the keys in the basket, but instead closes the door behind him, then takes off his shoes. Clearly he remembers how much you hate dirty shoes inside. “Don’t you think tonight proves it’s probably good if I held onto these?”
“I think it proves I need someone to have spare keys. It doesn’t need to be you,” you counter, then turn around and walk to the kitchen. He follows wordlessly, gaze never straying from you as you pour the two of you a glass of wine.
“Where are you staying, anyways? Ten minutes isn’t far off,” you ask, softly this time.
“Alex’ place,” he explains. “Our – the apartment flooded.” He’s quiet for a second, then takes the glass of wine as you hand it to him. “This keychain is a chilli. It’s mine.”
You study him across the top of your wine glass, follow the way he takes a sip and lets the red wine slide down his throat. It makes your cheeks flush, although you’re fairly certain you can hide behind the alcohol you’d already consumed earlier this evening.
“Mi favorito,” Carlos murmurs appreciatively. You know he’s talking about the wine, but for a millisecond, you deliberately let yourself misunderstand. Let yourself forget and fantasise.
Silence wraps around the two of you as you offer him a piece of leftover tiramisu that you pull from the fridge. He grabs the spoon from you, and takes a bite. It shouldn’t look as sinful as it does. But it’s Carlos, and it’s you. Habits die hard.
Sure, maybe it is the alcohol, maybe it is your exhaustion, you reason with yourself. Or maybe it’s the charged air that surrounds you two – even now you’re no longer together.
“Why’d you answer when I called?” You blurt out, the alcohol making you a little bolder than you’d normally be.
His hand stills from where it had been swirling the glass. He looks up at you again, and you feel your knees go weak. There’s a devastating vulnerability in those eyes, one that’s hard to ignore. “Tu sabes. Do you wish I hadn’t answered?”
You set your wineglass down again, now empty, then lean over the countertop. Close enough to count his eyelashes, and the tiny freckles he’s acquired from being out in the sun with his family. It hurts not having seen them develop in real time.
“I wish a lot of things, Carlos.”
His eyes rove your face, then linger on your lips for a second longer. “Me, too.”
Your gaze drops, too. And even though your heart is smashed to smithereens in your chest, your memories are telling you not to do it, and you know your friends will crucify you before picking up the pieces - it’s the lust and love-addled part of your brain that handles purely on emotion that wins out.
On reflex, you’ll justify later, you find yourself kissing Carlos in your kitchen at 3AM in the morning.
On reflex, you don’t even register how your own fingers roam around his body, and peel off the hoodie you’d gotten him.
On reflex, he hauls you into your bedroom, and teases you with his tongue while his lashes flutter against the apex of your thighs.
It’s not on reflex, when he asks if he needs to use a condom. It breaks the lust-fuelled haze, and instead it’s got you on the brink of crying in the blink of an eye. But you’re so close now, can almost taste the way in which this is going to both ruin and complete you at the same time.
You know this is exactly why you shouldn’t have called him, but it’s also exactly why you’re not going to stop this now. Even when you know you should.
So instead, you let the anger course through your body, scratching his back with perhaps a bit more force than necessary. “You tell me,” you pant in his neck, before sucking a bruise into his skin. You can feel his jaw tick, but he refrains from grabbing a condom nonetheless.
It shouldn’t make you feel the things it does.
Then again, Carlos shouldn’t be in your bed, buried balls deep inside of you, making you come three times in a row either.
Not when you’d been doing so well at the no contact rule.
You guess, then, that you deserve the feeling of hot shame and embarrassment rushing over you the next morning. It’s your punishment for being foolish, as you realise you shouldn’t have been surprised at the fact that he’s no longer next to you.
The only evidence he was ever there, is the stupid fucking hoodie left on your bedroom floor, and the sticky feeling between your legs.  
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Let me know what you think <3 Likes, comments, reblogs, asks are all appreciated.
UPDATE: Read part ii here.
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its-avalon-08 · 8 months ago
God I love your stories ! Do you think you could write a story about daniel and the reader who are a couple, maybe the reader is the daughter of a great f1 driver who died in an accident when she was little. So when Daniel has a pretty serious crash and is taken to the hospital, she takes the first plane to come see him and all her past traumas come out...
can't do this again (dr3)
✦ pairing - daniel ricciardo x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, mentions of crash, loss, death of father, tears, fluffy ending
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Y/N sat on the plush couch in her living room, the television casting flickering lights across the room as the Formula 1 race roared on. Daniel was leading the pack, his skill and precision evident with every turn. She had always loved watching him race, despite the anxiety that knotted her stomach every time he took to the track.
But then, it happened.
The camera cut to Daniel’s car, spinning out of control, crashing into the barriers with a sickening thud. The commentators’ voices turned frantic as they described the scene, and Y/N felt her world tilt on its axis.
It was just like her father’s crash. The same helpless feeling, the same gut-wrenching fear.
Without another thought, she grabbed her phone, booking the first flight to the city where the race was held. Her heart pounded, memories of her father’s fatal crash flooding her mind.
She was just a child then, sitting in her mother’s lap, watching her father’s car crash into the barriers, flames licking at the wreckage. She remembered the cold, sterile hospital room, the smell of antiseptic, and the tears that never seemed to stop.
Hours later, she rushed into the hospital, her legs trembling as she found Daniel’s room. Her breath hitched at the sight of him, lying motionless on the bed, connected to various machines that beeped softly.
“Oh, Daniel,” she whispered, tears streaming down her face as she approached his bed. She took his hand in hers, feeling the warmth of his skin, a stark contrast to the cold fear gripping her heart.
”Daddy!” she had cried, her tiny hands gripping her mother’s, eyes wide with fear as they watched the doctors work frantically. Her father never woke up, leaving a void that never truly healed.
“Please wake up,” she pleaded, her voice breaking. “I can’t lose you too. I can’t go through this again.”
She sank into the chair beside his bed, her sobs shaking her entire body. “You have to fight, Daniel. You’re stronger than this. You promised you’d always come back to me.”
Her father had promised the same, whispering comforting words to her before each race. “I’ll be back, princess. I always come back.” But he hadn’t. He never came back.
Y/N rested her forehead on their entwined hands, the memories overwhelming her. “I love you so much,” she whispered. “I need you to wake up. I need you to be okay.”
Hours passed, her tears subsiding but the ache in her chest persisting. She kept talking to him, her voice soft and trembling. “Remember our first date? How you took me to that tiny Italian restaurant and we got caught in the rain on the way back? You wrapped your jacket around me, and we laughed like we didn’t have a care in the world.”
Her father had done similarly, setting her on his shoulders as they walked back from a race track, the rain pouring down but their spirits high. They had laughed together, her father’s hand warm and reassuring in hers.
“Please, Daniel,” she murmured, her voice barely audible. “Don’t leave me. I can’t go through this again. I need you here with me. I need you to wake up and smile at me, to tell me everything will be okay.”
As the first rays of dawn filtered through the hospital window, Daniel stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. Y/N gasped, her heart leaping with hope. “Daniel? Can you hear me?”
He turned his head slowly, his eyes finding hers, filled with pain but also with recognition. “Y/N,” he croaked, his voice raspy. “What… what happened?”
Tears of relief streamed down her face as she kissed his hand. “You had a crash, but you’re going to be okay. You’re going to be just fine.”
Daniel squeezed her hand weakly, his gaze softening. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
She shook her head, leaning closer. “Just promise me you’ll be careful. I can’t lose you, Daniel. I can’t lose you like I lost my father.”
His eyes filled with understanding and determination. “I promise, Y/N. I promise I’ll be careful. I’ll always come back to you.”
And in that moment, Y/N knew that while the scars of her past would never fully heal, she had found someone who would help her carry the weight, someone who would always come back to her, no matter what.
a few hours later
Y/N sat by Daniel's bedside, carefully feeding him small spoonfuls of soup. Each movement was tender and deliberate, her eyes never leaving his face. Daniel watched her, a soft smile playing on his lips despite the pain that lingered in his body.
She took a deep breath, her voice gentle but filled with emotion. "Daniel, I don't think I've ever told you just how much you mean to me. How much I love you."
He looked at her, his eyes locking with hers. "I know you do, Y/N. But hearing you say it… it means the world to me."
She smiled, her eyes welling up with tears again. "When I saw your crash on TV, it felt like my heart stopped. It brought back all the memories of my father, of losing him so suddenly. I was so scared, Daniel. I was so scared that I might lose you too."
Daniel reached out, his hand weakly grasping hers. "I'm here, Y/N. I'm right here."
She nodded, squeezing his hand gently. "I know. But I need you to understand just how much you mean to me. You're my rock, my safe place. You bring so much light into my life, and I can't imagine a world without you in it."
Flashbacks of her father filled her mind. The way he used to scoop her up and spin her around, his laughter echoing in their home. The way he’d tuck her into bed at night, reading her favorite stories until she fell asleep. And the way he’d always come back from his races, smiling and lifting her into his arms.
"You’re everything to me, Daniel," she continued, her voice breaking. "You make me laugh, you make me feel safe, and you make me believe in love again. I never thought I could feel this way after losing my dad, but you… you changed everything for me."
Daniel’s eyes softened, tears gathering at the corners. "Y/N, you’ve changed my life too. I think about you all the time, especially when I’m on the track. You’re my inspiration, my reason to keep pushing. Even when I crashed, my last thought before I hit the barriers was you. I was thinking about you, about how much I love you and how I wanted to come back to you."
She fed him another spoonful of soup, her hands trembling slightly. "I need you to be careful, Daniel. I can’t go through that kind of pain again. I can’t lose you. I need you to promise me that you’ll take care of yourself, that you’ll come back to me every time."
He nodded, his gaze intense and filled with determination. "I promise, Y/N. I’ll be more careful. I’ll do everything I can to make sure I come back to you. Because I love you more than anything. You’re my everything."
She leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "Thank you, Daniel. For everything. For loving me, for being there for me, for giving me hope."
He smiled weakly, his hand caressing her cheek. "And thank you, Y/N, for being my light in the darkness. For giving me a reason to fight, to come back. I love you more than words can ever say."
As she fed him another spoonful, their eyes met, and in that shared moment, they both knew that their love was stronger than any fear or trauma. It was a love that could withstand the darkest of times and emerge even stronger on the other side.
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trblsvt · 2 years ago
the regular | jeon wonwoo
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summary | wonwoo couldn't really recommend anything at the bakery he worked at, he couldn't even handle going in a couple days a week. that is until he found his new favorite customer. genre | fluff, bakery!au, college!au warnings | none, i think let me know! word count | 1.6k words pairing | jeon wonwoo x gn!reader min | lowercase intended another request from @i-luvsang making me lose my mind out here....
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dread. that's all wonwoo felt. he was honestly so sick and tired of the smell of baked goods. crazy, right? well, you try and work around all that food and not get sick of it.
sometimes it felt like he had a permeant scowl on his face whenever he clocked in with kihyun, the baker and owner. he wasn't sure why he was always so... displeased when he came to work. it was better than working at the work-study program his college provided and paid better too. yet, wonwoo hated smiling at rude customers when they demand he make them a new sourdough loaf because the one in the case looked "stale."
there was nothing "stale" about the loaf.
it was made that morning. like everything else made in the bakery.
and he wasn't even the baker.
today was no different. he clocked in, greeted the kihyun, swept the floor, took down the chairs, flipped the open sign, and sat down behind the register. he pulled out the book he hid under the counter and rested it in his lap. the sun began to peek over the buildings across from the bakery, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep the book open for too long.
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the morning rush went by like it usually did. the pleasant regulars looking for their bagels, the rude customers who didn't realize it wasn't a breakfast place with eggs, and the silent ones who never looked up from their phones to greet wonwoo.
"what would you suggest?" asked a young woman. wonwoo glanced between her and the case. "well, i think our sourdough makes great toast and grilled cheese sandwiches," he half-heartedly suggested. it wasn't a lie, but who knows maybe the baker changed the recipe and it tasted different. he wouldn't know, it had been months since he had the sourdough.
to be completely honest, he hadn't tried any of the goods for a while. when he first started working at the bakery, he ate there all the time. it was free and good, so he took advantage of his employee privileges. over time, he grew tired of everything and he couldn't bring it to himself to stomach any of it. that's what he gets for working in food service. "thanks! i'll get that then," she smiled.
"no problem, that'll be five dollars. i'll get that wrapped up for you," he said taking the cash and sliding off his stool to take out a loaf from the case. when he bent over and reached into the clear case he looked around the store through the glass. he liked doing this, it made him feel like a fish in a fishbowl.
then he saw you. he froze still inside the case. you looked around the cozy bake shop with a bag over your shoulder. your eyes scanned the store and then the case. you found wonwoo's eyes and he was snapped away from his trance. he blinked with panic and pulled himself from the case, bumping his head on the edge on his way up. he slipped the loaf into a bag and handed it to the woman. "thank you, i hope you enjoy," he said automatically. she smiled and walked off.
you were next in line.
"hi," he greeted.
"hi, is your head okay?" you asked motioning to the glass case. shit, you noticed. his hand flew up to the back of his head, "yeah, i'm all good. it happens more than you'd think." you giggled and looked around the case. "um, can i have three of those raspberry macarons?" he looked over at the neat stack of macarons and nodded. "that'll be eight dollars," he said and went to pack up the macarons in a small box.
"are those any good?" you asked casually as you pulled out your card to pay.
"um, yeah, i think so," he shrugged.
"think so as in your opinion, or you think so like you can't remember if they're good or not?"
"is both an acceptable answer?" he asked, passing the box over to you after your receipt began to print. you raised an eyebrow at him. "possibly. have a nice day..."
"wonwoo," he finished. "my name is wonwoo."
"wonwoo. have a nice day, wonwoo. i'm ___."
"nice to meet you, ___." with that, you smiled and left, and he addressed the next patron.
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his shift finally ended and he took a quick look at what was left over. some bread he would bring home, a couple cookies, and exactly three raspberry macarons. he stared at the lined-up pastries and reached into the case to try one. it had been weeks, maybe months since he had burned out on baked goods.
raspberry macarons, hm, he never thought someone would go for those.
but when he tried it, he understood. it wasn't too sweet, but it was fresh and it melted in his mouth. maybe you would come back the next day for more.
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"wonwoo, what are you doing here?" kihyun asked wiping his hands on his apron. "i didn't have you scheduled for today."
"oh, well, i, um, i just wanted to help out some," wonwoo offered.
"i'm always grateful for help, but you know thursdays are notoriously slow. shouldn't you be off doing college-kid things?"
"yeah, i guess. i just need some extra cash. did you make anymore raspberry macarons?"
"i did. you ask me that every day. i didn't realize people were actually buying them until a couple weeks ago."
"well, thank my amazing marketing skills," wonwoo jested.
after that day, wonwoo realized you came to the bakery every day like clockwork. he would get your coffee and macarons ready even before you would walk through the door. today, instead of your usual greeting you quizzed him, "what if i decided i didn't want raspberry macarons?"
"oh, do you not want these? i can get you something else. wow, it was silly of me to assume-"
"wonwoo, it was a hypothetical. it's kind of cute that you know my order."
he froze. cute? he was cute. you thought he was cute.
this was another win for the books.
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the last win was when you noticed what he was reading and offered up some of your own recommendations. the two of you even talked about exchanging books at some point. "well, if you run out books to trade what should i do?" he had asked.
"um, well, i can recommend you some of these pastries and you can recommend me books," you shrugged.
"isn't recommending goods my job?"
"not when you haven't even eaten any of the goods for months!"
"well you only eat macarons!"
he hoped he would continue to have wins like that or another win when he actually worked up the nerve to ask you out.
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you also started sitting at one of the small tables in the corner of the bakery to eat your macarons. it was a slow day, so wonwoo came out from behind the counter to chat. "are you sure, i'm not bothering you?" you asked, glancing around the practically empty bakery.
"oh no, it's fine. i like talking to you, it makes my shift more tolerable," he said. wait, he wasn't supposed to say that. not yet at least. "really? you like talking with me?" you giggled.
"yes! i mean, yeah. of course i do. you're funny, and smart, and actually really pretty," he paused. "wait, i don't think i was supposed to say all that to you." you smiled at him and took a sip of your coffee. you glanced out the window.
wonwoo had approximately five seconds to compose himself. he never acted like this, it was so out of character to be so flustered around someone he liked. he felt like he was on the playground in middle school and a girl came up to kiss him on the cheek as a dare. he was blushing for days.
"look, ___, i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, but ever since you started coming here, i've just wanted to see you again. i've picked up more shifts just so i can talk to you," he admitted, rushed. you looked back at him. he couldn't read the look on your face, but what he wasn't expecting was for you to grab his hand and wrap it in yours. "i'm flattered, wonwoo. to be completely honest, i started coming here every day in hopes of seeing you too," you smiled. god, he could kiss you right now. "wow, oh my god, i've been wanting to tell you this since i met you," he breathed for what felt like the first time in a couple minutes. "can i take you out on a date sometime? soon, preferably."
"yes. give me your phone, i'll put my number in it." he reached into his pocket for his phone when a woman and her daughter entered the bakery. wonwoo shot up, passed you his phone, kissed your cheek quickly, and made his way to the counter. what he didn't see was the look of shock on your face that quickly faded away into a grin as you typed in your phone number. "hi, how may i help you?" wonwoo activated his customer service mode.
"those macarons look good! would you recommend them?" the woman asked.
"yeah, actually i do, especially the raspberry ones," wonwoo grinned, but this time he didn't miss the way a cute smile spread across your face too.
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min | i'm in my delulu era don't mind me guys! i keep having dreams about wonwoo and i just want him to hug me. this isn't proofread yet! leave feedback! reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
tagging: @a-wandering-stay
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maedae-maedae · 1 year ago
Can't Help It - Library Date
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☆ Okkotsu Yuuta x F!Reader
☆ Genre: Smut
☆ Warnings: NSFW 18+
☆ Contents: Aged-Up Characters, Established Relationship, Semi-Public/Public Sex, Needy!Yuuta, Sub?Yuuta, AU - University Students, Clothed Sex, Oral Sex, Breeding Kink?
☆ Word Count: 3.6k
☆ Summary: You meet up with your boyfriend, ready to have a study date at your university's library and really get down to business. The two of you need to go to the library to actually study, and you both know well enough to take it seriously. Today you come wearing a new outfit... and suddenly your boyfriend has other plans for the two of you.
☆ A/N: Randomly awakening from my disappearance to post this smut which- I am just now realizing is my first real full-out smut! That I'm posting, that is.
This idea came to me as I was writing actually another fic for Yuuta so expect that real soon, much more stretched out than this lil one shot. Anyways, enjoy!
It’s late morning by the time you meet your boyfriend Yuta Okkatsu at your university’s library. The place is huge, and would literally be impossible to find books from if you didn’t have the power of technology. You’re searching the section with the books required by the class you share with Yuta. You guys decided on not giving into the scam of buying textbooks, opting to use the library’s plentiful supply of books that no one uses these days anyways. You’re reaching up to grab another suggested reading as Yuta stands behind you, holding the big one you’d handed to him when you first got here.
He’s a little embarrassed right now, hot and beginning to sweat. And he’s surprised you haven’t noticed yet. Ever since he met you in front of the library earlier, he’s been sporting a full boner. All thanks to the new outfit you had on. It’s adorable, and your boyfriend absolutely loves the way it hugs your body. Maybe a little too much, unable to pry his eyes away from the curve of your ass as the skirt lifts up with your reach. He glances around to make sure no one else is around to see this view and then continues to stare.
You were so excited to show him this outfit today too, and he couldn’t even properly compliment you with how flustered it was making him. Plus, you probably wouldn’t want him to be immediately sexualizing you in it either, so what is he thinking? Still, he can’t help it. How badly he wants to have his hands all over you right now.
“Okay! Got it!” You say happily as you pull the book off its shelf. “That’s it, I think. There’s not anything else you wanna grab, is there? I mean honestly, three is already enough I don’t know if I can handle more than this.”
You look up at Yuta and he shakes his head to answer you. But somethings off about him.
“Is something wrong?” You ask and he’s honestly relieved you finally notice. He takes a step toward you, then another until he’s right in front of you. His eyes avoid yours out of embarrassment for a moment, but then he looks at you straight on.
“Let’s go home.” He says, taking your hand in his own as he does.
“Huh? But we said we would study together today.” You reply, confused on why he suddenly wants to change plans.
“Let’s just study at your place” He suggests, pouting. You raise an eyebrow at him and give him a knowing look.
“Yu.. you know if we go to ‘study’ at my place, there wont be any studying happening.” You tell him and playfully poke his stomach. He was hoping you’d just understand without him having to explain himself, but looks like he’ll have to show you instead.
“Cmon, let’s go find a-“ You begin as you turn, but stop mid sentence when you feel your boyfriends embrace from behind. He wraps his arms around your middle, book still in one of his hands. He nuzzles into your neck.
“Hey.. what’s up with you tod-“ You don’t need to ask any further when he finally presses his full body to you, and you feel it. His hard cock rests against your ass, straining through his pants. A hot flash hits you, suddenly feeling his neediness like it’s contagious.
“Ah.. I get it now.” You say calmly, placing a hand on his at your stomach and using the other to stroke his hair a couple times. “Needy boy~” You coo at him. He twitches against you, to your amusement.
“You look so good today.. I can’t help it.” He whines into your ear, just barely audible. He’s so sweet, what are you gonna do with this boy?
“Hmm.. I guess we can’t really study until you’re good, huh?” You say, mostly to yourself, as you quickly think of somewhere nearby that would be most likely to not get you caught.
“Cmere.” You tell him, taking his hand and leading him along with you.
You walk with him until you reach a little nook of the library, empty and seemingly not visited very much. Your friend actually told you about this part of the library, after having a hook-up here. She always has crazy stories of where shes done stuff, and you’re pretty sure at this point it’s definitely a kink for her. You always thought it was crazy, and you never thought you’d find yourself following in her footsteps. You’ll have to thank her later you guess. And pray she wasn’t lying.
“H-here?” Your boyfriend whispers as you glance around cautiously. You look at him curiously.
“You don’t want to? We can always wait till later if you-“ before you can even finish your suggestion, he’s shaking his head to answer.
“That bad, hm?” You say and lean your back against the shelf behind you, signaling him with your hand to come to you. He does and you caress his chest, down to his stomach and pelvis, massaging little circles there as you continue to look around a bit more. You love the way he reacts to your touch, fidgety and sensitive. His forehead rests against yours as you with his hands resting comfortably on your hips.
“We should be safe here, no one ever comes to this section and none of the cctv cameras can see.” You reassure him and you look back at him again.
“How do you know that-“ He goes to ask but knows the answer as soon as you give him a look. He knows about that friend of yours, from your stories. “Oh. Nevermind.”
Your hands finally move to start caressing the bulge in his pants, and he takes a startled inhale, immediately pushing his face into your neck again. He likes to do that a lot when you two get intimate, it made him feel like he’s closer. And he loves being able to smell you. God forbid he ever smelled your perfume while he’s out on his own, he’d be turned on immediately.
“You really worked yourself up, huh? You’re extra sensitive today.” You whisper to him as you listen to the little noises he’s been making as you continue to massage him through his pants.
“It’s the skirt you bought..” he pushes out to explain himself.
“…Too short?” You ask, a self conscious thought you had before buying it popping up in your mind and then leaving your mouth without needing too. Plus, boyfriends don’t usually want their girlfriends wearing super revealing clothing, right? Maybe it made him uncomfortable.
“No.. I love it so much. You look so good in it. Wear it all the time.” He reassures you desperately, laying your insecurities to rest immediately. You giggle and you don’t know why you were even nervous.
“Clearly I don’t think that’s a good idea, unless we wanna be like my friend and start testing our luck everywhere we go.” You joke, and he laughs lightly in your ear. A shiver tickles your spine.
“Okay, love. What do you want me to do for you? Just tell me.“ You prompt for him. You want to be able to satisfy him in whatever way he feels he needs you right now.
“Mm.. Nothing, jus wanna feel you..” He mumbles as his hands start to move from your waist and caress around all the curves of your body. He stops to grab at your ass when he gets there, and you can feel his neediness with the way his hips make slight jerks forward. Usually he’s always taken a liking to your breasts, but it must really be something about your skirt today driving him crazy. You don’t think you’ve seen him like this.
While he caresses you with his warm hands that you adore feeling on you like this, he starts to kiss your neck too. You let out very faint moans as he does, feeling extra sensitive too now for some reason. You can just feel how badly he wants you and that alone is driving you crazy.
"Yu.." you call out quietly as he's busy leaving you with another hickey. "Shouldn't we make this quick? Not that I don’t love it, but…"
You tell him this partially because you are a bit anxious about getting caught suddenly, but also because you’re really desperate to have him inside you already. You can feel the wetness between your legs getting out of control. He pulls back to look you in the eyes, and you were not expecting him to look as lustful as he does right now. That’s a dangerous look he’s giving you.
“I’m gonna eat you out.. is that okay?” He tells you, almost breathless, and you could moan just hearing him say that. You love when he goes down on you. It feels like heaven every time and you love looking at his eyes when his tongue is deep inside you. Despite this, you’re still a bit unsure.
“Yu.. this is kinda risky, don’t you think we should-“
“Please?” He begs and you know you could never say no to what he’s asking of you right now. This is literally a situation straight out of a wet dream.
“Okay.. but-“ before you can even tell him to be quick, he pushes his lips to yours with excitement. Your tongues entwine and you feel his fingers come down to rub at your slit. He can feel how wet you are now, and it only makes him kiss you harder, more desperate. You have to grab his shoulders when he’s suddenly slipping three fingers into you at once. He swallows your moans that would definitely had been much too loud otherwise. He pumps into you a few times before pulling out, leaving you feeling empty, needy. You need him inside you again. You whine at his absence as he pulls back from your kiss as well. You’re about to pout at him before you end up watching him put his own fingers in his mouth, getting a taste of you before the full meal. Your face goes red.
“I’ll make you cum quick, promise.” He tells you softly, making butterflies in your stomach as you watch him immediately sink down to his knees. You know he’s being serious about that too, and you’re a bit nervous.
You’re stood right next to where the wall ends and turns the corner, so you peak your head out to make sure no one’s around. There’s nobody, and you cant believe people really never come to this section. Honestly it would be a cute place to sit and read normally.
“Look at me.” Your boyfriend tells you and your attention snaps back to him. He’s already slipped your panties down and you lift your skirt up slightly for him so it’s not in his face as he goes to kiss your clit.
You let out hushed moans as his tongue starts working, circling your clit and playing with you there for a while. Your face must be dark with both the way he’s making you feel and the way he’s looking at you. God that eye contact will get you everytime. His intense sanpaku stare never once looking away from you, taking in every reaction he gets out of you. It’s like he studies you, analyzing what’s making you feel the best, making sure he’s doing a good job. You cant believe how into this he is too, you didn’t think this would be his thing, but he clearly loves it. You never thought when you met this sweet boy that he would be so kinky.
Right now he’s really keeping his word on making it quick, hitting all the right motions he’s already memorized from how many times he’s pleasured you like this. He knows exactly what you like. Normally, he’ll stretch it out anyways, loving getting to have you this way for as long as possible. Seeing all the cute faces you make. Even making you climax on his face multiple times.
His favorite is when you’re about to cum, just like you are now. Your hands are in his hair, pulling at him as if you want him to stop, can’t take it anymore.
“Yuta.. s’too much..” you whisper to him like you do in some variation everytime. Then your thighs start clenching on him, shaking. Your breathing gets quicker. Your hands can’t even muster the energy to pull him anymore, clenching and unclenching fists in his hair. The only thing he doesn’t like about this part is that he can’t talk you through it like he likes to. He wants more than anything in this moment to tell you “You're doing so good, beautiful. Ride it out. I got you.” As your back arches and your body tenses up. But he’s got to stay focused to make sure you feel as good as possible.
He watches you with your mouth covered, head pushed against the bookcase behind you. His hands come up to support your now trembling legs as you start to come down from your high. He thinks he could never get tired of doing this specifically for you.
He lets you breathe for a few moments before standing again. He presses his forehead to yours as you look up at him with those pleasure-riden eyes.
“Y/n…” he says to you softly and you nod. “Sorry but, turn around. Please. Need to fuck you so bad.”
If your cheeks could blush any darker they would. You really love when he’s like this. You do as he says and turn around, his buldge already pressing at your ass as you feel him struggle to get his pants undone. When he does, he wastes no time in rubbing his raw shaft along your extremely wet folds. You shiver and manage to hold in any sound from coming out.
“Ah! H-hold on!” You tell him right before it feels like he’s about to press into you. You cant believe you didn’t think of this. You reach over for your purse and Yuta impatiently continues to rub against you. Looking for the condom in your bag as best you can, it’s not too long before you find it and pull it out. You knew having emergency ones in there would come in handy.
“Here. Put this on at least.” You say, handing it back to him.
He looks confused for a moment, and you know why. The two of you have been fucking raw for a while now. Which, in hindsight is not the best habit to have gotten into. But you suppose that was your risky kink, both of yours.
“Yu, we’re gonna make a mess if we don’t use it.” You reason with him, already hearing the protests probably circling in his head. You hear him whine just slightly, but he takes it. He knows you’re right.
As he’s putting it on you start to worry about yourself and getting caught again. You’ve never exactly been very quiet, and neither has he. At all.
“Try to go slow please.. I’m not sure how well I can keep my voice down if you’re not careful.” You whisper to him, bracing yourself against the bookshelf. You feel Yuta’s hand caress up and around your hips, his face moving up right to your ear.
“You’re right.. if we get caught we might get banned from the library. And then we’d have to study at your place from now on… what a shame that’d be.. right?” He says with a dark tone, and you know exactly what he’s implying. Horny asshole. There’s no way he’s serious.
“I think the penalty would be a lot worse than tha-AT!” You go to warn him but loose control of your voice when he shoves almost his entire length into you at once. Specifically doing the OPPOSITE of what you just asked.
“Yuta!!” You hiss, slapping his shoulder with the back of your hand before he starts moving. “What’d I just tell you?!”
He breaths a silent laugh into your neck “Sorry.. love you.” He says and places a few kisses along your neck and shoulder. You sigh at this and you know you can’t stay mad. Still, that was a surprise as he’s usually very obedient to you with requests like that.
“You’re taking me so good, though.” He adds, pressing a kiss to your cheek as well. You feel him slide in a little more and you both let out shallow breaths. You feel so close to him like this, his body pressed against you, pinning you to the bookcase with nowhere to go. His hands find yours and intertwine, letting you know he’s got you, he’s with you.
Your warmth felt so good around him like this, he didn’t even want to move. But just like before, he knows he’s gotta be quick here. This is what he was begging for and you so graciously allowed him to have. His thrusts go slow the way you asked of him, only picking up pace when he feels the need. The sound of your soft almost-silent moans and the squelching of his cock pumping in and out of you, filling the silence of the corner the two of you have to yourself. He groans and whines quietly into your back as his pace speeds up again, trying harder not to make noise with his motions more than with his mouth.
“Thank you.. fuck, I love you.” He tells you, breathlessly, mindlessly.
“Yuuta.. Ah!” You moan his name, just a little louder than you have been. His hand comes to cover your mouth, but it’s gentle. You know he’s just helping, knowing it’s hard for you to keep quiet like this. He keeps letting praises and curses fall from his mouth like mumbling, fucking into you with as much care as he can. Wanting to make you feel so good but not alert anyone to this private moment, just for the two of you. His hand can barely keep against your mouth, his focus elsewhere. You can hear his labored breathing and small moans that slip out right against your ear, making your hand stand and every part of you feeling sensitive.
“I’m gonna.. ahh.. gonna cum, Yu.” You tell him softly, your mind fogging. You look down below you and the sight is so incredibly lewd, like something you’d find on a nsfw blog. Your panties soaked on the floor beneath you, your feet basically on top of his the way you’re lifted up on your toes.
“Fuck, Please. Cum for me, love. Wanna feel it..” He pleads, fucking you harder now, the sounds getting a bit too loud. “I love you so much. Please. Please, please.”
There’s no way you could hold back your climax if you wanted to with the way he’s begging you like this. Your body complies, as if obedient to him of its own will. Your high ripples through you and you have to slap your hand on top of his to really keep quiet for this.
He doesn’t slow even on your comedown, continuing to fuck your aching hole. Your hands muffle the moans thatd normally be full-on wails if the two of you were home right now.
“Kiss me.” He tells you, his face next to yours already. You both let go and you press you lips to his again. He does his best to help drown out your sounds as he reaches his own high.
“Cumming.. fuck I’m gonna cum.” He whines against your lips, unable to focus on anything else anymore.
“Feels so good Yu.. cum inside me, please.” You plead for him, knowing it makes him feel even better when you praise him.
“I love you.” You finally tell him earnestly, and he echoes it back to you so breathlessly that you could barely make it out.
He thrusts into you one last time, spilling his seed into the condom that he wishes wasn’t there. He wants you to feel him finishing inside you, he’d become addicted to it.
Still, he basks in the way you twitch and squirm against him as he keeps his dick stuffed deep inside you, pressing against your cervix wall.
“Yu..” You whine, knowing he knows what he’s doing. He just wanted to enjoy it a moment longer, that’s all. When he pulls out of you, the both of you gasp a little, breaths heavy and shaking.
At the beginning of this, when you offered to do it in the library, you had not thought it’d be intense like this, and you definitely didn’t consider how your legs would feel afterward. They are shaking and you’re praying Yuta can’t tell because he will most definitely tease you about it. His arms wrap around you as he embraces you one more time.
“After studying, later I’m gonna cum inside you, okay?” He tells you sweetly, like it’s not the totally vulgar sentence that just left his mouth. You scoff in disbelief.
“Are you serious?” You say with amused exasperation.
“We had to use the condom..” He pouts, looking up at you from shoulder level. “I want to give you a creampie like I usually do.”
Good lord, what have you turned this man into?
“Alright, alright.” You tell him, rolling your eyes with a smile. “But only if you actually study with me now. Cmon, put this away.” He flinches when you poke his now half-hard dick, but does as you say anyways.
This is good, now he has some real motivation to work. He studies with you that day harder than he’s probably ever studied in his whole life.
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 1 year ago
Deep | 06
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✧ Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader
✧ genre: angst,fluff,smut,fake dating au,contract
✧ warning(s): explicit language, suggestive content, mature content
✧ synopsis; you're in love with your childhood friend but he does not see you more than just a friend. One day you ask him to be more than just friends, he agrees.
✧ word count: 9.2k+
a/n: I will be opening a taglist for the next chapter, if you want to be added please comment under the index page :)
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Your legs were trembling, gripping the pillow as he had you pressed against the mattress but his palm pressing down on your lower back which had you arching your ass for him. "yoongi, I don't like this" you whine but he ignores you leaving butterfly kisses on your back his hand caressing your ass before landing another blow on your red butt cheek. "fucking asshole" you cry out. 
"you're not following the words in your little book sweetheart" picking up the book he shoves it in your view point. "see, now be a good girl and read your line"
"I'm sorry okay, next time you ask to go out I will" you let out a cry when another slap lands on your already hot red cheek "wrong again" 
"yoongi I'm serious if you hit me again I'm gonna kick your ass" the smirk on his lips disappear, he lets go of your skirt, causing you to hiss as the fabric touched your bum. once he released the pressure from your lower back you quickly laid on your back, hands on your ass as you glare at him "bitch, that hurt"
"I mean I was hitting you for my own pleasure but obviously it was meant to hurt moron, next time I tell you to go somewhere with me, are you gonna choose your books over me?"  you shake your head, not wanting to give him another reason to spank you like a spoiled brat. "you exaggerate" he groans, pulling you onto your side as he palms your ass "its not even that red" he begins to rub your bum as you had been doing "fuck you, let me hit you like you did to me" 
laughing he begins to shake his head "if someones gonna be getting spanked it's you, not me. and stop acting like you didn't like it" he pushes aside the cloth of your underwear and rubs your clit  "look how fucking wet you are" before you could protest he enters his two long slender fingers into you, the sudden action made you release a moan.  a few thrusts of his fingers made that feeling in your stomach more vivid. your shaky voice releases a whine when he pulls out his fingers, hooking them around the hem of your underwear pulling them down.
"can't leave you like this now can I, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend would I" he dips his head kissing your clit, your hitched breath and trembling legs makes him smirk before he starts  sucking on your clit. gripping his black locks you let out a chuckle "but you aren't my boyfriend remember" like always there was no reaction from him, but for some reason he hated your comment as his lips trail down to your hole thrusting with his tongue slowly. his fingers move to your clit, causing you to arch your back keeping his pace he doesn't stop no matter your pleads and cries. 
you hated how he always won the arguments, bitting down on your lips to not scream his name and fill his ego even more. gripping his hair harder as his locks were tangled in your fingers caused him to moan into your dripping pussy. "fuck hold on I-" but he only fastens his pace when he feels your pussy tightening around his fingers and you feel yourself cumming, yoongi doesn't feel satisfied till he hears your whimpers of the overstimulation caused by him licking your cum. 
exhausted you lay on your back, not able to fight with him. you let him have his way with you once more, only sitting up with a smug look  as if he was expressing he had control over you. and he wasn't wrong but he wasn't going to hear it from you.
"now tell me y/n, whats better reading your books or having me fuck you with my tongue until your toes curl in pleasure hmm"he mocks a line from the book, holding the hard cover book in his hand and a raised brow as he towers over you "hmm" you take in a deep breath "i don't know, the male lead doesn't keep his girlfriend waiting for weeks to have sex" you roll your eyes. 
"you think you deserve to have my cock right now" he scoffs, I've been texting you all morning but you don't answer cause your phone is dead and your heads stuck in these books" he's right, I should at least charge my phone....but I lost track of time. 
"I didn't think you'd be up, you went out with jimin and tae last night who knows what you were doing" pushing him away you get off the bed, your nose scrunches at the wet feeling between your legs. the wetness dripping down your legs. "you know we have a rule of not being allowed to see anyone else" he groans, tossing the book onto the bed as he sits on the edge, watching you grab some tissues from the night stand 
"wipe your chin" you give him some, before grabbing some for yourself to clean your thighs "rules don't matter when the other person isn't watching" your words caught him off guard, didn't matter? he thought. "will you look at this... you'd expect me to say something like that" he scoffs 
"and you know what I've been thinking about it, I don't like certain rules"
 "well we sealed it with a kiss already so no adding or taking out" he shrugs 
"oh really, didn't you add a rule a couple days ago, what was it? we will never have drunk sex?" you cross your arms 
"shit.." you thought he was slow, but the way he leaped off the bed and his hand gripped your jaw pulling you into a kiss as if to seal the last rule into the contract, but failed as your reaction was quick and you blocked it. "y/n, i'm serious"
"oh lighten up, I wasn't saying I don't agree cause I do" you give him a cheeky smile as he lets out a scoff, "what rule, do you want to add" 
"none, I was just saying..."
just like he always has, his eyes scan your face trying to understand what you really wanted to tell him. but recently it's as if he lost his touch he can't seem to read you and it was bothering him. it was as if he didn't know you anymore...
"whatever, i'm still pissed at you" he lets go of your jaw, jokingly pushing you away "I wanted to go out and you made me waste time"
"hey, you came in here and saw I was reading and just started spanking me!" 
"it's your fault, the skirt was ridding up your ass, shit i couldn't help myself" he shrugs
your heart was in a twisted feeling, you wanted this. you wanted him to be infatuated with you but at what cost? your friendship? it kept you from enjoying this completely, the grim feeling took over all of it. that was another reason you turned off your phone and expected him to just sleep in today. 
"whats wrong?" 
"nothing.. what did you want to go do?" you give him a small smile. "I told the guys, that we're dating " 
"taehyung he was-" annoyed he shakes his head "forget it, they asked to hang out. I told them you weren't answering and that I was gonna check on you and never got back to them" grabbing his phone from the night stand he opens it to find messages from his so called friends being extremely descriptive about how he was probably not answering cause he ended up banging his girlfriend. 
they weren't off, but they weren't right either. 
"lets just not go, for your own sake" 
your mind thought back to how he was so opened with having those girls all over him in parties with his friends that it made you question why he couldn't show you off too.
you're annoying 
"lay down" you push on his chest. "why"
"you planning to not give your little situation down there the attention it needs?" you look down at his very visible boner "you don't have to, just leave it"
"but I want to" you whine, pouting your lips. "fuck..." not fighting with you anymore he lets you push him onto the bed, fingers already hooked on hem of his sweatpants and brief "can I ?" 
"babe, you don't have to ask.  Do what ever you want" he didn't mean that, your mind was anything but quiet. you should be enjoying this but all you could think about was..what ever it doesn't matter you tell yourself. taking of his sweatpants and briefs as he lifts his hips helping you, his cock springs up, pre-cum already glistening  his  tip. 
"you think you can do it" he smirks 
"you think I can't?"
"well last ti-" cutting him off by trailing your tongue up his shaft, diving back in, sucking in a deep breath he groans at the sudden touch. detaching my lips with a loud pop. A wet string connecting my lips to his red glistening tip "I had a good teacher" 
spitting on his tip before taking him into your mouth once more. you suck on him , not taking him fully but making sure the rest of his cock is getting the attention it needs in your hand. he lets out a chuckle, finding you cute at your attempt of boldness but you weren't anywhere close to being the perfect student  you claimed to be. on the other hand you had no idea why he was laughing and it caused you to be self conscious wondering if you weren't doing it right. 
gripping his thighs with both your hands as you try to take in as much of his as you possibly could. you're eyes begin to water as you feel him reaching the back of your throat. and he wasn't laughing anymore, his hand was gripping your hair tightly in his fist as you were lowering yourself on him. he moans quietly his voice causing you to get wet once more. "fuck..look at you taking my whole cock in that pretty little mouth of yours" he groans as he thrusts into your mouth, catching you off guard you pull back causing you to cough, but he didn't care. all he could see was how fucked up you looked after having his cock in your mouth the saliva dripping down to your chin. 
he groans, feeling his dick twitch "babe, please don't stop now" that was your cue to take him into your mouth again, this time you waste no time and take in his entire length remembering to breath though your nose. "fuck.." you could feel him almost buckle his hips at the sensation. you begin to swallow, tightening your throat around him, the room is filled with the lewd sounds you're making and yoongi moaning your name as he grips your hair. 
thrusting his hips into your mouth, you let him fuck your mouth. looking at him through your lashes as you squeeze your legs together to relief some tension between your legs, it doesn't go unnoticed by him, his breath fastens as he tries to not pull his dick out your mouth and shove it inside you doing everything he promised as he'd fuck you raw and fill you up to the brim. just the thought of it made him even more sensitive having your mouth tighten around him "fuck, babe hold on..stop" he growls as you ignore him but stare directly at him sucking harder on his cock. "shit" he slightly pushes you away from him. 
you sit back, staring at him confused. "did I do something wrong?" 
he breathes out as he tries to control his breathing, "come here" his raspy voice makes your legs twitch as his hooded eyes stare down at you "wha-"
"do you want to have sex or not" he raises a brow, clearly impatient but he won't force you if you didn't want to, even though you were just giving him head maybe you might not be ready to move on.  
standing up slowly you undress. he takes it as if you agreed and hooks his arm around your naked waist, roughly in one swift move he has you laying on the bed. your back hitting your soft sheets. if he could, he'd put you on all fours and pound into you from behind, but he held back. 
not yet
spreading your legs, he takes his place between them. seeing how wet you were from just having him in your mouth "you're dripping" he comments as he drawls his finger across your heat. 
"you ready?" he presses the tip of his cock on your heat, rubbing a mix of your cum and arousal around your entrance. you nod, already impatient to feel him inside you. closing his eyes he lets out a frustrated sigh "fuck" he sits back, looking at you annoyingly 
"I didn't bring any condoms" he curses at himself, sitting up you straddle him. sitting on his lap as you squeeze his dick between the both of you 
"thats fine we ca-"
"no, I'm not fucking you raw. cause you're not on the pills" he groans when he feels your hand gripping his length and your thumb pressed against his tip "then what do we do" you whisper, pecking his lips with small kisses which were not helping him stay sane. 
"fuck, lay on your side" he gently pushes you off his lap onto the bed, you lay on your side. your heart is slamming against your chest when he grips your leg, cock pressed against your heat as your thighs squeeze him. "are you sure you don't have any condoms with you" 
"I really don't, I wasn't coming over to have sex with you. and I just realized I don't have any at home either" what you didn't know is that ever since you started acting up he stopped hooking up with people, especially her. He didn't have any condoms cause he wasn't in need of them. but he wasn't going to tell you that, even when he saw the bitter look on your face when he told you that he had none at all. 
"you've been busy" he could hear the sarcasm in your voice, watching you roll your eyes at him and bite your inner cheek, only showing him how annoyed you are. 
"babe, do you wanna continue or do you want to argue about this" he raises his brow, annoyed with your bratty behavior. but you just wished he'd deny it and tell you that he just hasn't had the need for them since he started dating you. but he didn't, he just had a dissatisfied look on his face with a hint of annoyance since you were ruining the fun. 
"I hate you" you snare at him. you really didn't but at this moment you did. and he understood what you meant. "but you just love having my cock pounding into your lying little mouth"
"shut the fuck up, you know you love my mouth wrapped aroun-" lifting your thighs up as he presses them again his chest, laid over his shoulder he thrusts his cock against your pussy as it slides between your thighs "shut the fuck up already" he groans, his dick throbbing. 
"fuck you" gripping his shirt you pull him down, lips slamming against each other, devouring each others lips as his lower stomach slams into the back of your thighs sliding his dick at a faster pace. 
neither of you break the kiss even when your body was begging you for air, arms wrapped around his neck, moaning into his mouth as your tongues twist. his free hand fondling your breast before giving your nipples a pinch which gave you both a opening to get some air as you gasped. 
his intrusive thoughts were getting to him when the tip of his cock was pressed against your entrance. he was drunk on adrenaline, he was ready to just thrust into you and fuck you senseless.  he could, he wanted to, he was going to "shit..take a deep breathe in" he bites down on his bottom lip has he aligns his tip to your entrance you completely unaware of whats about to happen.  
*ding dong*
both of your bodies freeze, yoongi letting out a small "fuck" as he's pulled back to reality and continues to curse himself for what he was about to do. startled you look at him confused as to why someone was at the door. 
"were you waiting for someone" his brows furrowed, shaking your head he groans letting go of your thighs as he moves back giving you space to get off the bed, picking up your close as you look for each piece but failing to find your underwear. you dress rather quickly but you both kept staring at each other wondering who was at the door. once your dressed but still feeling the discomfort between your legs as your pussy was dripping wet. he bites down on his bottom lip, giving your ass a slap as you pass in front of him to get to the mirror and check your appearance. you glare at him, shaking your head in disapproval while he just smirks. 
standing up with his dick upright and proud he hugs you from behind, kissing your exposed neck gently "you better send them away and come right back" his hand snaking between your thighs as he rubs your clit "don't make me wait" he thought you were bold, not wearing a underwear under your mini skirt but he kept quiet. 
you nod, leaving the room as you shut the door quietly. fixing your hair a bit before opening the door. your eyes widening, as you give a forceful smile. 
your mom gives you a tight squeeze as he hugs you, "how have you been my cute little daughter" he laughs, bright smile on his face. you felt sort of guilty for what you were about to do before he arrived. 
"i've been good" you kiss her cheek. she pulls away from the hug, "we knocked at yoongis apartment but he didn't come out" 
"ah yes it's caus-"  she hears another door close and to her surprise it's yoongi coming out of your room "I fixed it" he gives you a nod. automatically walks up to the both of you giving your mom a hug, "Oh, hello yoongi. what are you up to these days" she gives him a squeeze too. pinching his cheek causing him to laugh and giving her his gummy smile she adores. "nothing much, y/n bought new furniture and wanted me to set it up for her" he smiles "and dad?" he looks around, not having seen him when he scanned the room as he walked out. 
"oh he's downstairs getting stuff out of the car, we brought you side dishes too. be a sweetheart and go help please" she stops pinching his cheek, giving her a nod he glances at you slightly before heading out. 
"what furniture did you get"
"the one I sent you a photo of" you sheepishly smile. "what? that was about a month ago!" she was surprised you were just getting yoongi to set it up. in fact, he set it up for you the moment it got there cause you did not stop rambling about how excited you were to get it. you were surprised when you arrived home from a late class and saw your bedroom light on. since he had gotten home earlier than you and found the package outside your door. He took it as his mission for Friday night to finish it and have the luxury to sleep in cause if he didn't you would've had him up at the crack of dawn pestering him to set it up. 
just outside your apartment was a angry yoongi who for all you would know probably has blue balls. his phone rings before he reaches the bottom level, picking it up without looking at the caller ID he rubs his forehead irritated. "what"
"where are you?"
 taehyung, of course 
"we aren't coming" pushing the door open he looks around to where your dad was parked "why not? come on y'all can bang some other time" he whines 
"shut up dipshit, her parents came over" 
"liar" y/n's dad waves over at him, lifting his arm to let him know he saw him as he walks towards the car. "shut up" 
"how have you been" yoongi speaks up quickly 
"tired, she made me drive over here to basically feed you guys" he sighs 
"it's taehyung" yoongi stretches his arm towards your dad and he laughs. taking the phone he moves to the side giving yoongi a chance to get some items from the trunk "why are you annoying him so much" your dad lectures taehyung in a playful matter. 
"yeah why not" turning to yoongi he has a huge grin on his face " there's enough food, how many of you are there? five?" 
yoongi's head snaps up right away and he begins to shake his head "no don't do that" taking the phone from his hand "taehyung if you guys show up, i'll kill you" he hangs up the call after the sudden threat. 
your dad can't help but laugh at him. 
If they come over they'll never leave. 
"how's it going with school" the trunk closes and the two begin to walk towards the building. "good, we're both set to graduate in spring"
your dad was proud, of both of you. there was a father, son connection he had with yoongi after seeing him grow up and all the time he spent in your house. Yoongi not having a great relationship with his father also was a big factor as to why your dad had to teach him everything. but he never complained, since your parents only had you. keeping yoongi around filled the urge of wanting a son. 
You both didn't have another "intimate" encounter after that for about two weeks. It would be a lie if I said I didn't want him and me to rush into it and just have sex but there was something blissful of how we could still be friends but there was a hint of affection in everything we did. I think i'm just delusional. Midterms were around the corner and you had no time to be obsessing over yoongi when you were close to failing your midterms. 
you were bothering yoongi to spend time with you all week but he said he was busy. then again in the weekend he said he wouldn't have time, but he canceled last minute. yoongi being who he is, decided he'll keep an eye on you; forcing you to study in his apartment instead of yours. "if I let you stay there, you'll give up and pick up one of your books and waste the entire day reading" he scoffs, already annoyed by you trying to convince him that studying on your own would be the best idea; which you weren't lying. being in his apartment made you want to do anything but study. 
sitting on the living room floor with all the books and notes spread on the table with your laptop on your lap, yoongi across from you with his glasses you studied his face instead of the paper in front of you. you thought how the glasses should make him look like a nerd but he was still handsome, glasses or not he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. 
his fair, but almost pale white skin made his golden brown eyes stand out. the big frame of glasses he was wearing didn't cover how deep and expressive his eyes were to the point you could get lost if you stared long enough. your eyes drift from his face to the paper but he was still wandering in your mind, keeping you from concentrating. 
you wondered if someone else ever thought so deeply about his eyes as you had just done. the girl from the club and the party. the one he has no ties to but they seem to be exclusive came to mind. did she ever stare into his eyes and realized he wasn't all that special but he was  definitely unique. 
"you're distracted aren't you?" yoongi sighs. taking off his glasses as he sets them down beside his computer, his hand automatically rubbing his eye in annoyance. "could you blame me? i'm hungry". you whine. you weren't lying, all you had was toast with jelly for breakfast and surely that was long gone out of your system by now. he just chuckled as he saw you pout your lips at him, throwing his head back as he groans in frustration "fine, what do you want to eat. hurry up and decide so I can go get it" getting up from his place he walks to the counter to pick up his keys. "you decide, I don't care" you give him a smile knowing your answer would only annoy him more. 
"I hate when you can't ever make decisions for yourself when it comes to food" he mumbles loud enough for you to hear, you let out a offended gasp and he laughs "fine i'll decide" 
"hmm" he response, clearly waiting for you to talk
"yoongi" you whine, "what" taking out his shoes from the small shoe cabinet he was thinking about what he was going to get the both of you to eat. 
"yoongi" you cry out, making him throw his shoes to the ground as he turns to look at you clearly bothered that you were calling his name and as he asked what you wanted you didn't respond. 
"where's my kiss" you pout, trying to be cute. 
"you don't deserve one, i'm telling you what you want and you're being annoying" he scowls
"please" he sighs, making his way to you as he crouches down his hand gently cubbing your face as he presses his lips onto yours. your arms wrap around his neck as you pull him down making him chuckle, "hold on will you, weren't you hungry"
his arms were on your sides as his palms were on the ground keeping him from falling on top of you. "but I miss you"
"y/n we're literally always together" you peck his lips again, but don't stop there as you take his bottom lip between your teeth, tugging on his lip. his hand holds your nape as he kisses you. deepening the kiss, you let him take control. you let yourself fall slowly, back against the ground as he hovers over you without leaving your lips unattended. 
your legs wrapped around his torso, pressing his body into yours. you both smile, if anyone asks you'd say you were studying your favorite subject as your hands made there way under his shirt. 
"I have to go get something to eat" he catches his breath, staring into your eyes that were begging him to not leave "you're really thinking about food right now"
"yes, yes I am" he gives you his gummy smile that melts your heart each time. leaning down, he kisses your forehead "once you get on the pill then we'll have sex, but first pass your midterms" he gives you one last kiss before jumping up and leaving before you could drag him back. he wasn't wrong you hadn't gotten the pill yet since you've had been busy to go. just as you wanted it to happen so did he but right now it was you who was behind the hold up. 
it had been a good hour since yoongi was gone, so when you heard the door bell go off you asked yourself if he had brought too much to the point that he couldn't open the door or was he just being lazy. putting your book down that you had sneaked in you walk to the door "really yoongi, how much did you brin-" your heart falls to your ass, it wasn't yoongi who you suspected. "oh?" she glares at you, her eyes glancing behind you as she looks inside searching for something..no...someone. "you're that girl, whats your name?" her eyes weren't hiding the dissatisfaction of seeing you instead of who she was expecting. 
"shouldn't you be introducing yourself, you're the one knocking at my door" you scoff, hand on your hip as the other holds the door open enough for you to be seen but you block her view to the inside since you saw her sneaking a peek. "Eunju" she gives you a cheeky smile. "and you?"
"y/n" you smile back. 
"right...where's yoongi"
your jaw clenched, you wanted to shut the door in her face and walk away but there was something that was bothering you. there was a rule yoongi set for himself, which is that he would never bring anyone to his place, cause you were next door and he just thought it would be better that way. so how did she know where he lived, clearly she had been here.
"not home" you reply, hinting at her to leave.
she eyes you, from bottom to top and then lets out a small laugh "so are you another one of his toys" she crosses her arms. 
"excuse me?" 
"well you're in his apartment, and you're being so defensive towards me cause clearly you know who I am" she had you choked up, she was right. you laugh, trying to keep your cool, but your palms were sweating and you were getting annoyed on how she could read you. "seriously, eunju? is that what you said your name was...anyways what are you doing here" 
"I had plans with yoongi but he canceled on me, guess you're not so bad yourself to have him pick you over me" she shakes her head disagreeing with her own words. 
"had he ever invited you to his apartment" you question her, finally asking the one thing you were really curious about. "well i'm here aren't I sweetheart" and that was it, that was the last thing you needed to hear to give up. 
"well then come in" you smile "he'll be back soon" you walk inside letting her enter on her own, shutting the door. you ignore her stares as you walk into the living room sitting in your spot, quickly and discretely shoving the book you had just been reading into your bag. "oh, I misunderstood the whole situation y/n, you're both just study buddies huh" she had a smirk on her face, you wanted to just launch yourself at her and rip all her hair off her head. but you kept calm, the person you're really mad at is yoongi.
"what gives you that impression"
"well whenever I meet him we aren't holding books" you smile at her words, confusing her as she sits in yoongi's spot "maybe that's why you're so clingy, he barely gives you his time or attention" you shake your head, low chuckles. 
you both just kept smiling at each other, waiting for either one to just talk. 
"y/n, let me give you a warning"
lifting your head from the laptop that was on your lap you stare into her hazel eyes, which had a hint of silver. there's a moment of silence before she places her elbows on the table, she leans forward looking at you with a mocking smile "you and I are no different" 
"don't be a delusional fool and make yourself think you're special to him"
"from all the people he's gotten involved with, the reason why i'm the only one he keeps coming back to is because i'm not some clingy bitch who wants more than just a good time. to him we're just a source of pleasure. nothing more" she looks at the books and moves some papers around before getting up from the floor "all of this, don't act like you can change him. he might be infatuated with you right now but once he gets sick of you he'll toss you to the curb" 
you could feel your heart beating against your chest, but at this moment you were questioning if it was in your chest, the beat was so loud in your ears and you could feel it in your palms. 
the last rule came to mind, the moment this was over he wanted to have nothing to do with you. her words were affecting you. "you got it all wrong" looking up at the pretty girl in front of you, you stand up. you both weren't taller than one another but she was slightly taller than you. 
"unlike you, i know how to value myself. if you're going to let a man treat you like that then thats you. but I would never let anymore treat me like i'm just some toy for them to play with and then toss aside" 
stepping around the table your face to face with yoongi's lover "I don't give a fuck who you are or what you think my relationship with yoongi is but don't fucking disrespect me" 
there was tension, her soft gaze at you made you feel irritated. but you stood your ground. 
the door then opens, but neither of you move from where you were standing, clearly having a stare off and you weren't planning to lose. 
"y/n i've been texting you. why ar-" he stops mid sentence, shocked to see who was in his living room. he stares at eunju and glances back at you. mentally cursing himself, "we have a guest yoongi" you say, not breaking eye contact and neither does she. 
"y/n" yoongi calls your name, placing the food on the counter. he walks towards the two of you. placing his hand on your shoulder he calls your name again, glaring at eunju. she knew from the look of his eyes that he was pissed at her. but she accomplished what she wanted by coming here. she wanted to know what the fuck was going on, and who yoongi was spending most of his time with. thinking she'd find some clingy bitch she ended up finding something more interesting. 
"I like you y/n" she smiles, turning around, swatting his arm off of you. "well eunju since you took out time of your day to come here it would only be polite of me to not make you leave without talking to your friend, right" you smile at her, eyes creasing making her laugh "that's very kind of you y/n" she looks at yoongi who was watching you gather your things from the table. "y/n wait"
"make sure to eat, he brought food" you continue to ignore him, only talking to eunju who gives you a small nod. 
you look up at yoongi, you could see how terrified he was. He knew that this was going to make shit worse between the two of you. "see you around" you tell her
"see you, sweetheart" it's not her fault, that were both wrapped around his fucking finger.
yoongi follows you to the door as you reach down to get your shoes "y/n, hold on." 
"what" you tell him nonchalant 
"what is she doing here"
"thats what I wanna know too" you spat, shaking your head in disbelief 
"well why did you let her in?" 
"just try not to be too loud" you give him a sarcastic smile, patting his shoulder a couple of times. He stares at you, angry. shoes finally on you open the door, shutting it behind you.
The phone rings a third time before I can hear her in the other end, "hey babes, what can I do for you" she laughs, and not just a laugh meant for just you but a laugh that tells you that there are people with her and you're probably being a burden right now but it was important. you say her name desperately and she knew something was wrong. excusing herself from where ever she was you can hear how the music becomes faint and a door shuts cutting of all the chaos.
you fill her in quickly, not wasting her precious time. jihye exhales, "Damn!" 
"i know" you sigh 
"what the hell were you thinking?" 
"what? me? he's the one who clearly has had her over" you defend yourself, you could imagine her rolling her eyes at your response "and who's the idiot that left him alone in a apartment with one of his fuck buddies"
"look, I was angry"
"clearly, just...i'll be there soon" jihye hangs up, "what??, why?!" you yell into the phone annoyed that she was coming. 
"I don't hear anything" ear up against the wall, jihye gives you a thumbs up which you respond by rolling your eyes. "I didn't call you so you can come and  try and eavesdrop next door, and by the way it's gross"
pushing off the wall she turns and stares "you are way to calm, just to be clear you know they could be fucking right now right" 
"not that I care, but the walls are thin you would've heard something. and why are we talking about this" you brush off her comments getting up from your seat as you turn on the stereo,   music from the last CD you had played begins.  jihye sits back clearly annoyed with you. "how would you know when the two of you were fuc--" 
"jihye!" you yell but not as loud, not sure if yoongi would hear you but you didn't want him to know she was here. 
"he's never brought no one here"
"righttt" she gives a toothy grin "she just magically knows where he lives. and not just that but she confessed they had plans but he canceled" 
"he said he wouldn't" you spat back, trying to convince yourself
"right, didn't you say he had no condoms either? what do you think happened?? disappeared in thin air?" 
she was right and it was making you nauseous of how right she was. but what could you do, he was next door with someone he's willing to...doesn't matter.
"we don't even know if she's still there, she could've left"
"you're not wrong, but do you really think two hot people in the same place. alone and horny aren't going to fuck?" 
"you're a horrible friend" you began to feel sniffly all of a sudden, tears threatening to fall soon. "I'm just....look I can cheer you on but do you really want to be with someone who makes you feel this way? it's not healthy" 
she wasn't wrong it was becoming more stressful now than it was before you both were doing what ever you're doing. "should I just break it off with him" you fall back onto the sofa, she gives you the face that states "well it's your business" as she shrugs. 
"can I stay over, I took a cab here and i'm a bit tipsy" she points at you then herself "we can have a sleep over, while we wait to see what happens"
"you just want to be nosey" you snap at her, shaking your head as your grin. annoyed but amused of her boldness. 
"you know you love me" she shouts, arms thrown around you, "not right now I don't" 
jihye knew what she was getting into by asking me to stay over, early next morning theres a knock on my bedroom door followed by yoongi's soft voice calling my name. But it wasn't me who got out of the bed and opened the door but jihye. He wasn't shocked, or at least didn't show it on his beautiful face thats always has a cold expression. "y/n" he calls my name, jihye not opening the door wide enough for him to see if I was even in the room. "she's asleep" she gives him her perfect "fuck off" face and he took it with no offense. 
"Y/n, I we need to talk" he exhales, exhausted. 
in fact you were awake, you were staring at the ceiling contemplating if you should get up ever since the first knock. The only reason why you're moving towards the door with jihye's back facing you is because you know these two are hardheads and they're going to crash. 
hand on jihye's shoulder she looks back, and you finally get a glimpse of the man who has your heart in the palm of his hand and he uses it as a stress ball squeezing the fuck out of it every chance he gets. 
"y/n we have to talk" jihye puts her arm around my shoulder protectively, stares yoongi down "alright go ahead" she responds, letting out a scoff he looks up at jihye, "alone"
you want to think that she was doing this for you and partially it is but she's always thought yoongi was a pain in the ass so she must be enjoying this a lot. 
"jihye" you say her name softly, making her exhale before opening the door and pushing past yoongi "y/n, yesterday-" 
"why didn't you come yesterday" it was a solid question. why didn't he just kick her out and then come over to your apartment right away and explain?
"because you left without explaining why you let her in and I just didn't want to argue" he says with a pointed look. "yoongi" I say with the most patient voice, but I didn't continue. it was silent, we both stood in the door way as he leaned on it shoulder against the wall his eyes never leaving me. "nothing happened"
you scoff, "yet you're only coming now" 
"you left so I don't understand why you're mad, as my girlfriend you should've stayed" he's nonchalant, full of himself thinking he's completely right and innocent. but I don't know why I left, if it was what she said to me or that she knew where he lived. maybe it was both. 
"what? you told her we were a thing?" you ask, head slightly tilting to the side. he lets out a long sigh "a thing? you mean if I told her we were dating  then yes, yes I did" he shakes his head in disapproval, but he wanted to laugh. he loved seeing you mad with your cheeks puffed out and your darting eyes glaring at him. He loved it, but he kept this to himself for his own sake. 
"y/n did she say something to you? why are you angry? look she didn't leave right away we sat and talked. there was something we needed to sit and talk about so I took advantage of you letting her into my place" 
"how did she know where you lived, did you bring her over before" your brow raises, arms crossed as you wait for him to answer. "this is why I don't date, you females are so" he takes a deep breath before probing himself off the wall "she got my address from one of my friends, I don't know who, she didn't tell me" he says, passing by me heading to me bed, to his back I say "what's so great about her that you're exclusive with her" 
"exclusive?" he laughs "where did you get that?" 
"no matter who you ever hooked up with it was always a one time thing, but not with her. why?"
"look, I don't really wanna talk about my sex life with you. and first of all we aren't exclusive" you knew why, cause she's pretty, beautiful even. she has a nice body and perfect skin of course he'd want her to himself and she'd want him. "your just stalling because you don't want to answer the question"
his voice raises "I answered, you just didn't like my answer. y/n you always make me the bad guy. always make the worst of situations we were just talking alright, you don't have to be nasty about it. when would I have time to go see anyone especially her?! you're already a handful as it is. there's no one else so stop acting like a brat" jihye walks up the hall towards your room, eyes wide as she hears him yell at you. ever since she's known the both of you he's never yelled at you. you were as surprised as her too. she gives you a small wave as she runs towards the front grabbing her shoes and leaving you alone with him. 
"i'm not you're toy you can play with and then toss away when you're done" you spat
"you know you mean more to me than anyone else, the fact that this is even crossing your mind is because you're just being dramatic" he says softly. 
"she's pretty"
"you're gorgeous" he response automatically. 
he didn't like this, you comparing yourself to her. 
"she said you had plans with her but canceled last night" he shuts his eyes, inhaling "yes I was going to meet her but to do exactly what I did last night. talk to her and tell her that I wouldn't be seeing her anymore. that we are dating and that it was over" you wouldn't of had to do that if you weren't exclusive you thought. 
"can we please move on from this, and don't ever talk about yourself like that. you know you mean the world to me y/n, I would never treat you like that" 
"but yet you have" 
his eyes staring at yours, confused of what you could be talking about. 
"you said the moment you called this off, you wanted nothing to do with me" 
After that morning, yoongi seemed as if he was lost in thought a lot. Jimin caught us on campus a few days after and invited us to a "small" get together but we knew it was going to be anything but small. you look at yoongi expecting him to answer be he was just lazily looking at you as he shrugged "sure we'll be there" you give him a small smile. jimin stared at the two of you confused as to why the both of you were acting weird. but he came to the conclusion that you both just a stupid little couple fight and will get over it soon. 
he couldn't be more wrong. "yoongi" you say his name after entering his car but he was still silent only a small hum left his throat. "are you mad?" 
he purses his lips, "not at you if thats what you wanted to know" he says softly, his voice sounded tired as if he was trying to not come off as harsh. 
"then who? eunju?"
"no, myself" he answers. the rest of the ride was quiet. 
stepping out of the car, he shuts the door. you were wearing a pair of jeans with a cute blue off shoulder trim blouse. "won't you get cold"
"thankfully you brought a sweater"
"yeah but if i'm cold don't expect I'm going to take it off for you. should've brought something yourself" he grins, holding you hand as he walks towards the already loud house, people were out front in the lawn others were sitting on the front porch. "let's just head inside, and get this over with" 
everyone knew that you both were a item, you wanted to ask yourself but the answer came to you the moment you entered the house and among the turning heads eunju was one of them but she was the only who didn't look surprised or murmured. instead she just smiled at you and drank from her red cup, you returning the smile. 
yoongi was oblivious to the both of you, he was looking around for his friends, spotting jimin "there he is, come on" his hand on your lower back as he guides you through the crowd. you felt self conscious, there were people around you talking about how yoongi left eunju for someone like you, you knew yoongi heard them too but it was as if he was ignoring them. 
you tug on his sleeve "everyone's talking about us" 
leaning down to your height, he whispers into your ear "isn't this what you wanted? to basically own me, have everyone say you're my girlfriend?" he stared into your eyes, waiting for a response, but his cold answer made you shut you mouth. "now deal with it" he kisses your forehead, returning to the conversation he was having with someone who you didn't know their name. 
you stared at him, confused. this is the first actual conversation you both had since that day. he was already acting weird so this only added more into the fire. "i'm going to go get a drink" you say rather quickly, walking out of the room before yoongi could say anything to you. you walk through the crowded halls until you stumble into the kitchen, just were I wanted to be. 
there was a table set up in the middle with cups and drinks, tons of bottles of alcohol. you didn't feel like drinking, since midterms were basically next week you did not want to waste time dealing with a hangover rather than studying. picking up a cup you walk over to the fridge filling up your cup with water. 
"hey" you hear someone speak behind you, the voice you right away recognized. "hello" you turn around once your cup was filled, and you were right it was eunju. lifting the cup up you take a sip, not breaking eye contact with her. "seems like you told everyone about yoongi and me" you smile. "you're welcome" she takes a drink from her cup too. 
"oh, i should be thanking you?" you let out a small laugh 
"I was only doing you a favor, you know how many were lined up to get a taste of your boyfriend" she raises brow. "I don't know what's going on between the both of you but just know that I hope you keep in mind the words you said that night"
"oh yeah? and what did I say exactly" you were noticing all the people were gathering in the entrance of the kitchen, staring at the two of you. probably wondering if there was about to be a fight between the two of you. but they weren't going to see one, at least not today. 
"that you aren't like the rest of us" lifting her red cup she raises a brow, you raise your as she hits your cup with hers "cheers to that" 
you both drink the remaining of your cup, her being the one to walk away first. as you watched her leave you thought about what you told yoongi when this whole absurd  idea came to mind, that you hated him playing with these girls hearts. 
"y/n" you hear yoongi's voice call your name. turning around you see him at the opposite side of the table "are you alright"
"never been better" you smile
"what are you drinking?"
"water, didn't feel like getting drunk today" 
he gives you a slight nod "come, lets go out back. namjoon just got here" reaching out his hand you walk towards him intertwining your fingers with his. this was normal, even before you both dated. if you attended a party with him he never let you leave his side. 
you were sitting with taehyung and jungkook, since yoongi was talking to namjoon and jin you felt as if you needed to give him space. jungkook was someone you had really just got to know today. you'd see him occasionally but there was never a opportunity for the both of you to actually talk. "so you're hyung's girlfriend" he hands you a drink. 
"yeah" you nod, taking a sip of the drink without realizing he had handed you tequila. you give him a "what the fuck" look and he laughs "what? you looked stressed, one cup won't do nothing to you" he continues to laugh. taking your cup he hands his to you "fine fine, here's your water. I was just messing with you" shaking your head you drink from the cup after taking a sniff which his hand grips his shirt above his heart "wow I trick you once and you don't trust me no more" 
taehyung laughs at his younger friend "should've made her drink the whole cup" he scoffs "when it comes to dating or being involved with yoongi in any way you need about three of those cups to get through the night" 
yoongi, looks around, you watch him. his eyes finally finding you he nudges his chin towards the door. you give him a small nod, grabbing your purse from behind you. "well i'll see you later" you smile at the two of them who were turning their attention to someone getting thrown into the pool. 
"it's late, we should start heading back" he says once you reach him. "yeah, i'm tired already" you yawn. his eyes narrow, "did you drink?" 
"just a bit, jungkook gave it to me...can we go? my feet are killing me" and he was right it was getting chilly and you weren't planning to ask him for his jacket, walking passed him you enter the house which had less people since a lot of them were already in the back. 
"since when are you close with jungkook?" yoongi follows behind closely, he was taking off his jacket ready to place it on your shoulders. 
"i'm not, todays the first day I actually talk to him" you shrug, grinning when you feel him place the jacket on your back "put it on, you'll get sick" he mutters, pressing a button on his control his car makes a sound as the doors unlock. 
"you should've gotten to know jungkook before we started doing this" he says, entering the car. 
"who knows, you two could probably hit it off and could've dated"  
you stay silent, he turns to you slightly as he places his hand on the back on your seat as he pulls out of the drive thru "and you would've been fine with it" you say, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, as if you heart pounds against your chest. "who knows, there's no point of thinking about it now. we're together " moving the gear shift once on the street he leans over and kisses you. 
you hated him. right now, you wanted to open the door and just walk home. 
"now i'm curious, what's so great about him"
yoongi grins, eyes on the road he doesn't respond to your childish remark. annoyed you face the window, getting comfortable as his jacket keeps you warm. you drift to sleep. 
the last thing on your mind was jungkook, the man you just met for the first time. as your eyes closed all you could think about was how the piercing on his lip complimented his features and you thought about how you stared at his arm and wondered what all his tattoos meant. 
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adventuringblind · 1 year ago
Still Have You
Lando Norris x Reader X Oscar Piastri
Genre: Angst
Summary: and then there were two...
Warnings: crash, injury description, death
Notes: oops... I wrote another sad thing...
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Racing is her life. It's all she knows. It was her entire life.
Until it wasn't.
She was a rookie. A female driver that Williams decided to take a chance on.
Oscar signed for McLaren the same year. She already knew he was going to get a seat because he's amazing. And getting to drive alongside Lando Norris was nothing to scoff about.
Oscar introduced his teammate to his best friend, and the three became attached to the hip. Inseparable. It definitely wasn't anything they were expecting. It just happened, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
So then it was them and racing. Like her life had somehow gained a new purpose.
The Dutch Grandprix. It's raining heavily, and she'd rather be curled up with her lovers, hot chocolate, and a good book.
"Are they really going to have the race?" She asks Alex who's standing next to her I the cover of their garage.
"Looks like it." He sighs. "Any word from your papaya clad lovers?"
Check jabs him in the side with an elbow. "Shup up! Someone could hear you!" She hisses at him.
"Not my fault Lando can't keep a secret." He throws his hands up in surrender.
They are then promptly told to get ready to head to the grip. She throws a final text to her boys before she has to leave her phone for the next couple of hours.
Alex is starting fourth. It's an amazing thing for him, and she can't help but feel a tinge of pride.
It feels like she's in the car for hours. Just waiting for them to say go or call off the race. She hopes it's the latter. She'd hate to see any of her of the grid get hurt because the FIA decided to put the show on regardless of their safety.
The rain slows, and it seems like it might actually clear up. So it would make sense that the FIA decided it's time to race.
Soon enough, they are racing off the line. Her start was better than she'd expected. Managing to hold her place as the down pour started again.
"We're expecting the rain to stay like this for the next ten minutes."
She mentally groans. Begs whoever controls the weather to let up. Prays that nobody gets hurt.
But fate it cruel.
It's only lap five, but the rain is making it difficult to see. She knows someone is close to her. No idea who, but he's there.
She definitely knows when they spin out. And she feels it when they tap her car as she's flying down the straight.
It's like the world moves in slow motion. One minute, she's driving. Then she's not even on the ground anymore.
Shooting pain.
Copper taste.
Radio static.
"Red flag Lando, red flag, come into the pits, please."
"Did someone crash? "
"One of the Williams."
Lando's heart drops. Every thought in his mind going to the worst. "Which Williams?"
"We believe it's y/n."
Suddenly, he can't hear anymore. He passes the crash sight, and he feels like the air is sucked out of his lungs.
He's not thinking. He just pulls the car over and gets out. Not caring at all who's watching.
The front of the car is bent upwards over the cockpit. The back is nowhere to he seen. There are pieces of fence and barrier stuck to the ring of the halo.
The Marshalls are barely getting started. They've started splitting the car into peices with saws.
Lando skids to a halt. His arms pull away the debris so he can at least see her.
They he sees just how bad it is.
There is a piece of metal piercing directly through her chest. Her legs are crushed at odd angles.
He helps the Marshalls pull her out. His stomach flips with every second she doesn't respond. He stays with her until they pull him away.
He fights them. Or - he tries to fight them. But the adrenaline isn't pumping as it was. It's just his anxiety now.
Oscar stares at the screen in front of him. He knows he doesn't look as calm as he's trying to seem.
Alex looks similar in a way. The tall Williams driver stands next to him in the blue garage. Waiting for any sign that the girl in the car is breathing.
He's choking on his tears. He's fighting the urge to run onto the track.
There are other drivers in front of the Williams garage. All of them are asking for updates. The one thing nobody has right now.
When they lift her body out of the car, he screams. It rips through his body and pieces everyone's ears.
He tries to bolt, but Alex holds him back. It's not long til he's sobbing into his arms.
He's been nothing but the Trios' biggest supporter since he found out. In this specific moment, Oscar has never felt more grateful for him.
He watches the screen closely. Lando is pressing on the females chest. His neon yellow gloves now staied red from the open wound.
He tries to bolt again. Flee to Lando so they don't have to be separated. He knows the Brits anxiety is probably skyrocketing.
If his is, then Lando's definitely is.
Alex wasn't prepared, and he managed to make it about ten steps before being stopped by Max. The Aussie runs straight into him and collapses once again.
This time, he fights. He flails his limbs and tries to shove his way past until his body gives out.
Lando feels a tap on his shoulder. He hadn't realized he'd just been standing where they'd left him until the new presence snapped him out of it.
"Lando, we should go back to the paddock." It's Charles speaking to him. He sounds so distant, like he's calling to him from a meter away.
He just let the Monegasque lead him back down the track. He stares at his glives as they walk. Coated in her blood.
This should've never happened. The race should have been called off. Every time the scene replays in his mind, it makes him angrier at them.
They find themselves at the Williams garage with the rest of the drivers. He takes note of the sobbing Austrian currently trying to break free of Max's grip. Oscar is usually the most collected out of the three. It breaks something in Lando, seeing him like this. Like Oscar crying just makes it more real.
Lando pulls off the blood-soaked gloves and sinks to where Oscar is. The Brit gets his focus and attempts to calm him down. Most likely, neither of them are going to be able to drive in such a state. Lando still has his car on track where he left it.
He really doesn't care who's watching in this moment. He prys Oscar away from Max and cradles him. The two falling into a puddle of tears on the ground.
Oscar lays with his head leaning against Lando. Their hands entertained like one would disappear if they let go.
It feels wrong without her.
Max and Alex had come to wait with them. Neither of them deemed it safe to leave the two alone.
"Miss l/n?" Says a doctor. He sounds as exhausted as they feel.
All four scramble up out of their seats. All hope seeming to float away as they see his expression.
"I'm so sorry to tell you that she didn't make it."
And then everything shattered. Their world fell apart. Everything tainted with the lack of her presence.
"She woke herself up right before she flat lined and asked to make sure someone heard it." The doctor inhales deeply. Like, somehow, this message was difficult for him. "She said: 'tell them to cling to each other. That she's not gone. You'll find her on the track."
A year later, at the same track, two boys visit a memorial. Flowers in hand as they kneel in the grass.
The sun is shining today. A stark contrast to the weather which had claimed her life.
They sit together, hands interlocked, and engagement rings fit snugly on their ring fingers.
"We miss you. Every day. We think about you all the time." Lando sniffles. The lump in his throat threatened to leave. "Alex makes sure we take care of ourselves, and Max let us stay with him. He won another title, by the way, and dedicated it to you."
"I got my first win. It was in Australia, just like how you predicted." Oscar's gaze is toward the sky. He knows she's up there somewhere smiling down upon them.
"I asked Oscar to marry me, and he said yes. We thought we might have the ceremony at that one park you love in the spring when the cherry blossoms are in season."
"Thought you also might want to know that we have an extra ring for you. We owe it to you for getting us together, after all."
Both of them are choking on their tears now. It's not the same without you.
"We'll always love you. Even if we're only two."
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astrialuvs · 1 year ago
"Lost in Your Gaze"
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➻ SYNOPSIS : Staring at Karma's golden eyes always gets you mesmerized. The compliments you have been keeping for yourself had been spilled when you were in your drunken state - why not spill your feelings too.
➻ PAIRING : akabane karma x reader
➻ GENRE : post-timeskip, fluff, romance
➻ CONTENT WARNING : drunk confessions, mentions of alcohol,
➻ WORD COUNT : 1170 words
a/n: another repost from my old account mweheheh (ㅅ´ ˘ `); i honestly have a headcannon that karma's things are mostly coloured red;
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After a long day at work, you stepped out of your office building, tired but relieved that the workweek was coming to an end. As you walked towards the sidewalk, you noticed Karma sitting on the hood of his unmistakable red car, a sly grin on his face.
He waved his hand cheerfully as he greeted you, making you squint your eyes. Your instincts are telling you something, or more like warning you.
"Hey there, Y/N," he greeted, his golden eyes gleaming mischievously. "Long day at the office?" You chuckled, appreciating the familiar banter.
"As always. And what brings you here? As far as I recall, I didn't call you to fetch me, so what's the deal?" you inquired, raising an eyebrow. As he approached you, he laughed, attempting to guide you inside his red car.
Karma slid off the hood, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm just waiting for you, my dear colleague. I figured you're going to Kayano-chan's place as well, so I thought of passing by." He winked at you before opening his car door for you.
"Welcome aboard." Still wary of his actions, you inspect him from head-to-toe.
'Not bad,' you thought. Cutting your train of thoughts, you shrugged off and went inside.
Little did you know, Karma had a prank up his sleeve. As soon as you sat down, you were jolted out of your seat. Behold, a fart cushion has been revealed. Karma burst out laughing. You fell for his prank once more.
"You did it on purpose, didn't yo-?" Karma shut the door on purpose to cut you off. You smacked Karma in the square face with the fart cushion as soon as he got in the car, earning a surprised yet amused expression from him. He laughed but had a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
"Alright, alright, you got me," he admitted, wiping away the imaginary stench.
"You came to get your daily dose of prank; you never change," you said as you tossed the cushion in the back.
"And you never did learn."
Your eyes unintentionally met, and the butterflies began to swarm inside your stomach, just as they had in previous scenarios. You've admitted to yourself that, for months, you developed feelings for Karma. You're not sure why, but you've recently realized that he's just right for you. Your gaze would unconsciously travel only to his figure. His antics never ceased to irritate you, but you somehow enjoyed them. You thought it was insanely stupid at first. Like, how could you fall for him based solely on his endless pranks? But then you noticed the way his mercury orbs looked at you. You don't want to assume, but whenever he looks at you, you get the impression that his gaze is genuine. When you're around, he's like an open book, so vulnerable and fragile. When you realized you had been staring out the window for too long, you quickly averted your gaze. You can't stand the embarrassment if he happens to realize it.
"Y'know, you do have a thing for red, don't you?" you wondered. From his necktie all the way to his car. You also recall that the majority of his clothing in high school was red. "I wouldn't be surprised if your toothbrush is also red," you joked.
"Haha, funny, but how did you know my toothbrush is red?" he admitted.
"You've got to be kidding me!" you exclaimed, perplexed.
"That's my color, I guess,'" he said jokingly. You could only hum to end the conversation while fiddling with your hands.
You became aware that you had fallen into a light slumber when you felt light taps on your shoulders and cheeks. You must have fallen asleep due to exhaustion.
"We're here?" you asked as you peered out the window. Finally, the sun had gone down. Karma unbuckled his seat belt, and you did the same.
"Look who fashionably came late," Kayano said as she opened her door and welcomed you. "Hmm, definitely not us, right, Karma?" Karma chuckled.
"Oh Kayano, I see, you've grown a little, huh?" you teased her jokingly as you hovered your hand a few centimeters above her head, earning a playful smack.
"Yo! It's been a while, guys," you said, noticing the others sitting at the living room table with cans of beer on top.
Upon arrival, you found that most of your friends were already in high spirits, enjoying the night with laughter and drinks. The gang settled in for a night of shared stories and camaraderie. You spent the night catching up on everyone's current life events, especially Kayano and Sugino, the group's superstars.
As the night progressed, the others gradually succumbed to the effects of alcohol. Your head begins to spin for the nth time. Nagisa had just passed out, and Okuda and Kanzaki had gone to one of Kayano's rooms. You only have an average tolerance for alcohol, so catching up to this point astounded you. Your sobriety has left you, which has caused you to say incoherent things. When you announced that you would be heading to bed, Karma offered to escort you.
Kayano led you both to a guest room in her condo, and as she left, you found yourself alone with Karma.He voluntarily stayed with you to look after you. With many shifts and turns, you finally lay on your back. There, in the quietude of the room, you couldn't help but stare into Karma's mesmerizing golden eyes.
In your slightly intoxicated state, you blurted out, "You know, Karma, I really like your eyes. They're like pools of gold. It makes me feel like I am enchanted by you."
He chuckled, his gaze softening. "Well, thank you, Y/N. I've always thought your eyes were pretty amazing too."
You get to see this side of Karma when you two are alone. Maybe because you find solace in each other's comfort. Or even deeper than it is.
The atmosphere in the room shifted, and you felt a surge of courage. "No, Karma, I mean... I really like you."
His eyes widened in surprise, and a moment of silence lingered between you. Karma has said something incoherent to himself, something you can't comprehend. The atmosphere made you a little self-conscious. You wondered about the implications of your drunken confession. Turning around, you settled in, laying on your stomach.
"Hey! Say something!" You grunted as you continued to feel his gaze bore into your figure. Feeling the annoyed emotions, you swatted his face away, making him chuckle and stare at you more.
"Stop staring at me," you declared, dipping your face into the pillow. You stayed in that position for a while, finally passing out some time. Karma nudged you 'until he was finally convinced that you had finally passed out. He tucks your hair behind your ear and runs his fingers through your cheeks.
Little did you know that this moment would lead to a series of events that would unfold in the days to come.
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